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10 years, 81 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mapleatha


Thank you very muc, acer. Why does it work with trunc(i) in L[trunc(i)] and not just i? Isn't i supposed to be an integer here?



Thank you, Kitonum. Acer has told me above why the code was not working and gave me a working alternative.

Thank you, again.




Thank you, tomleslie. The problem was solved above by acer.



This is it!!! Thanks a million, acer.



Here is exactly what I am using:

F := proc(t)
plottools[line]([-2,0], [cos(t)-2, sin(t)], color=blue,thickness=3),
plottools[line]([cos(t)-2, sin(t)], [t, sin(t)], color=blue,thickness=3),
plot(sin(x), x=0..t, view=[-3..7, -5..5],thickness=3):
end proc:


Error, (in plots/animate) plotcommand did not return a PLOT or PLOT3D object



acer, tomleslie sent me the same exact code below. It doesn't work either in Maple 2013 or Maple 2020.
Thank you!




Sorry, tomleslie, I got the same response from Maple when I used your file:

Error, (in plots/animate) plotcommand did not return a PLOT or PLOT3D object



Thank you, acer. When I use plot:-animate
I get

Error, (in plots/animate) plotcommand did not return a PLOT or PLOT3D object

When I erase the commas and replace them by colons or semicolons,
I do not get the two straight line segments plotted.
This is happening in Maple 2020 as well.
Please elaborate.

Thank you again.




The degree symbol in my original message was not done with nprintf(`#mn("%a°");`, 30)), or anything like that. It was done with the ALT-key on the keyboard plus 0176 on the keypad. Here it is 30°.
Thanks again.



This is just great, @acer. Once again, you solved the problem beautifully.



Thank you Ramakrishnan. I know all that. I needed the font used for the degree number changed to Arial.



It works fine, @acer, thank you. Why was the Arial font changed for the number 30 though?


@one man 

Thank you, but I don't want the paretnheses.



@Carl Love 

Thank you, Carl. Acer just gave me an answer that I can use nicely.



Thank you, Acer. This would fix the problem very nicely.


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