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These are replies submitted by mapleatha


You disagree? I only answered your reply! """ Perhaps there will be a decent alternative."""


I have assigned nothing to RTABLE. I told you: put RTABLE(1,x^2) in your Maple 2013 program to get back x^2. That looks like I have assigned something to RTABLE? New logic?
Here, try this:


You get the matrix back. I gave you two examples. How many do you want?





You are trying to replace RTABLE by other instructions, but this is not what
I am looking for. There are too many "RTABLES" in my programs.
I need to know what the instruction RTABLE(1,x^2) was replaced by
in Maple 2020. That instruction works just fine with Maple 13. It does not
work with Maple 2020.
If you send me your email address, I will email you a PDF of an .mw file of mine with lots of RTABLES in it.

Thank you, again.



Just give me an example where RTABLE is used internally by Maple
but RTABLE was not in the original .mw file. I want to use that .mw file on Maple 2020
to see that it did with RTABLE, because it doesn't accept it in my way. What would it replace it by?
I am not going to upload here one of my .mw files. They are all
long and contain various remarks to myself.
Thank you!




II sent this maessage up here in 2017: This is what Maple gave me.

I corrected the order of the fractions with RTABLE!!!


As I said, I have used it a million times on all kinds of situations in differential equations
and other problems. Maple changes the order of things. Instead of 1/A+1/B+1/C it gives me 1/B + !/C+1/A whenever it pleases.
i use RTABLE and remedy this situation and many others
I know it is an internal command and I know there is no documentation on it.
I found it in the source code of some file, but I don't remember where.
I would be grateful to you to show me one file where it is used without being
explicitly used in the associated program. This way I would know what Maple 2020 did with
it. What exactly it replaced RTABLE by.
Thank you again.



Like people have already remarked, the function you got as a response from Maple is actually a particular solution. Every time you add a solution of the homogeneous problem to a particular solution you get another particular solution. Thus, there are infinitely many particular solutions. So, to isolate yours, just take all the homogeneouls problem solutions out of your Maple response. You most probably seek the one given to you by Undetermined Coefficients Method, Variation of Parameters Method, or the Annihilator Method.


Unfortunatel, it doesn't work, Acer. Here is what I tried:


Thank you!





Thank you, Acer!


@Carl Love 

Thank you Carl. This is the answer that I knew about up here. I will try to define the possible polynomial
functions as you suggested, and then use them (print them) ready.
Thanks again.


It is an extremely simple question. I want a procedure to have f(x)=x^2+1 and give me as output (x^2+1).
This is it! How do we place parenthese around x^2+1 when the function x^2+1 is produced by a program.
The program output is x^2+1! I need (x^2+1). What you kindly gave me is not working. Mapping didn't do anything.
Let's say f :=x ->x^2+1. Then f(x^2) = x^4+1. How do I get (x^4+1) instead of x^4+1?
Thank you again!



Kitonum, I cannot use your second suggestion because evrything happens programmatically.

Q below is a copy of the Maple output with the parentheses around the integral.


op(1,Q) = -1

op12:=op(1,op(2,Q)) = x^2


The parentheses are gone. We are done.

I have used RTABLE extensively in Maple 13. I don't think it works properly in Mape 2018, etc.
Thank you very much.







Thank you, @Kitonum, but this doesn't work in Maple 13.




Thank you!


Thank you!

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