
10 Reputation

2 Badges

8 years, 317 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by marians


I need to calculate the following complex integral:

oint_C { [(z^4exp(2z)+1)/(z+i)^3] - [(z^3+z)/{(z-2i)(z-5)}] + 8*Pi*exp } dz,


Where C is the circumference |z-1| = sqrt(11/2), positively oriented.


Someone can help me, I already researched but I can not integrate.

Good evening,
I know the plot package and use frequently, but the basics. Now I need to make a curve that looks like an " umbrella " and it appears the projection in the xy plane . I don't know if it's possible , but I'm not getting . Does anyone have any idea to help me ? Thank you!

[Here's the original Question, restored as best I could.--Carl Love]

restart; with(GroupTheory)


d := Perm([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]);

Perm([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])


Perm([[1, 3], [4, 6], [5, 7]])


G := PermutationGroup({d, e});

GroupTheory:-PermutationGroup({thismodule, object}, )


H := Elements(G):


Error, invalid operator parameter name







[The question was, of course, How to avoid the error?--Carl Love]

Download subgrouplattice_(1).mw

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