
195 Reputation

8 Badges

9 years, 253 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by max125

 You can use the command 


Note that you can also use change of base formula,  since log[2](x) = log(x)/log(2) .

I believe maple defines the default base of log as e, so log(x) is ln(x) the natural logarithm.
Otherwise log[base](x) is the right command.   sdfsdf

There may be a special base 10 log command, or you could define one yourself. For example Log:=x->log[10](x)

Don't attempt to redefine log, you will get a protection error. 



Using rsolve() and seq() as above can sometimes lead to complicated expressions, if the recurrence relation is not easily solvable. For a no frills direct output of a recursively defined sequence I would use a procedure and then function call it.

g := proc() local k;
s||1 := 1: s||2:=2:
for k from 3 to 30 do
s||k := s||(k-1)+6*s||(k-2);
print (s[k]=s||k); od;
end proc:

Then type g() in the Maple prompt.

Alternatively you can enter the following in the Maple prompt.

s||1 := 1; s||2:=2; for k from 3 to 30 do s||k := s||(k-1)+6*s||(k-2); od;

This has the disadvantage that k is now defined as 31.

This seems to work

evalb(simplify(2^(n+10)-1024*2^n) = 0)

The output is now true.

I posted it in your maple.

What kind of worksheet style is that? I don't see command prompts. And the simplify has an equal sign underneath. I use Maple 1d Notation.

We can define a rounding function f(x,n), where x is rounded n places to the right of the decimal point. 


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