
195 Reputation

8 Badges

9 years, 212 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by max125

The problem is to find a100 for a sequence defined as follows. I tried the following command for a recursive sequence.
(I used 10 instead of 100 to test run it).

for n from 2 to 10 do a||n:=2*sum( a||i ,i=1..n)^2/(2*sum( a||i ,i=1..n)-1); od;

This approach did not work. It says "error recursive assignment"

Any ideas how to get a(100), also if its possible how to solve the recursive sequence explicitly.

I tried rsolve :

rsolve({ f(n)=(2*sum(f(i),i=1..n)^2/(2*sum(f(i),i=1..n)-1)),f(1)=1},f(n))
rsolve({ f(n)=(2*sum(f(i),i=1..n)^2/(2*sum(f(i),i=1..n)-1)),f(1)=1},f(n))

It just returned back the expression inertly.

I am trying to evaluate any which way the integral:

int(exp(-(sqrt(4*x^2+4*y^2+4*z^2)^3)), z = -sqrt(4-x^2-y^2).. sqrt(4-x^2-y^2),y=-sqrt(4-x^2)..sqrt(4-x^2),x=-2..2);

The program just hangs, so i click on 'stop current operation'.

Then I tried:

evalf(Int(exp(-(sqrt(4*x^2+4*y^2+4*z^2)^3)), z = -sqrt(4-x^2-y^2).. sqrt(4-x^2-y^2),y=-sqrt(4-x^2)..sqrt(4-x^2),x=-2..2));

It returns the integral back unevaluated.

It's true that I could use a change of variables, changing to spherical coordinates would be best here. But I would like to know if I did set up the original Cartesian integral correctly. Is there some workaround I can apply to get a numeric answer. I am satisfied with a decimal approximation. Then I can compare to the change of variable result. An exact answer would be even better of course.

Maple gives me the incorrect answer to the hundredth place. (

>                        27330.47804

I tried using an exact fraction 15000*(1+(6/100)/365)^(10*365) as well.

For some reason the Maple software is not evaluating the last bounds for a triple integral.

But the evalf command works.

I am writing a small code to find median and mean. The code works for an even number of terms, not for an odd number of terms. I tried to find the error but cannot.

restart:medianmean:= proc(x) local a,b,c,d,m,g;
a:=sort(x); b:=nops(x); c:=nops(x)/2; d:=(nops(x)+1)/2;
m:=(a[c]+a[c+1])/2; g:=add(a)/b;
if (b mod 2 = 0) then evalf([a,m,g]) ;
else evalf([a,a[d],g]);
end if; end proc:


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