
195 Reputation

8 Badges

9 years, 254 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by max125

@Carl Love 

Hi. I am a little confused by your command. I would never have thought of using it.

soln:= {solve({seq(gr)}, {V[]})};

Interesting i never used [ ] after an expression. It looks like V[ ]  returns just the arguments of the list V.

seq(eval([H,HD], s), s in soln)

I'm not sure how the s works here, since there is no s in H or HD.

@vv The fsolve did the trick, and the ceil adds a nice touch.

Maple just hangs if i enter

solve(1/(n+1)!* exp(0.1)=0.00001)

I think I see why, if we enter a smaller decimal. Maybe there is an option to assume it is an integer.

  16.02145932 + 36.80027439 I, 17.40551912 + 41.39124994 I,

    16.48933165 + 38.34437280 I, 16.95055079 + 39.87440201 I,

    18.29811880 + 44.38849109 I, 17.85459913 + 42.89570920 I,

    18.73637598 + 45.87023709 I, 19.16964217 + 47.34152827 I,

    19.59816570 + 48.80289315 I, 20.02217437 + 50.25481425 I,

    20.85746941 + 53.13205768 I, 20.44187781 + 51.69773365 I,

    21.26912810 + 54.55816094 I, 17.40551912 - 41.39124994 I,

    16.02145932 - 36.80027439 I, 16.95055079 - 39.87440201 I,

    16.48933165 - 38.34437280 I, 18.29811880 - 44.38849109 I,

    17.85459913 - 42.89570920 I, 19.16964217 - 47.34152827 I,

    -1.999000576, 5.174176717, 33.68275763 + 99.71946905 I



Is it possible to translate your worksheets into English. They look very useful.

@acer Thanks! I will try that.

@rlopez Thanks for replying. Interesting fact about the variation of parameters and integrals.

@ecterrab Thanks for the reply. Interesting I didn't realize there was a singular solution y(x)=0 to the original ODE. So the initial condition ODE is not well defined.

I saw the problem when i was searching for maple's slope field command. Notice that they didn't use any special command to find the general solution. That's why I got curious. Did Maple change their dsolve?

This link as well

Also that fraction in your worksheet seems strange.

"64399999998466401481/4000000000000000000 "

It evaluates correctly when I use evalf, just seems a bit out of place to use so many digits for a fraction.


@vv Thanks, I will try the combine option. Maple has so many layers of options.

@rlopez I see. I will try that, thanks :D

@pagan Alternatively the command interface(rtablesize=infinity) always displays the rtable.

Thankyou :)
Will this code work too? It's a bit shorter.


Nevermind my program throws an error with


Your program works. So it looks like we can't condense it this way. Thanks again

@vv Hi. I am new to maple, and i saw that animation. Can I see the code to that. It looks very interesting.

Nice 3d graphs. How did you use "trunc(x) =z"   in the graph?

@acer I am curious about the parametric part in your command,

In general, how do we know to treat such a problem as parametric, or when should it be used.

If we had three equations in three unknowns, would it be no longer parametric?

@acer That seems work. Thanks. 

@tomleslie "Simply not getting what your problem is"

Did you not see my error above? 

I downloaded your worksheet , got the same error when i clicked on the !!! execute icon.


I downloaded the help file from scratch, just to make sure . 

Still get same error. 

I also updated maple 2016 to the latest update. Maybe its unique to my computer and this particular installation. I'm not sure.

When I copy paste the last line in 1d math notation it is missing a space. 



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