mehdi jafari

769 Reputation

13 Badges

11 years, 296 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mehdi jafari

@Kitonum tnx for impressive answer,i have one more question, can the volume be computed?

@Kitonum yes you are right it is d3

@tomleslie thnx for the quick answer
the versions are maple 2018.1 windows 10 x64.
i push all the arrows, Pd Dn, Pg Up , ...
but nothing happens and i can not see other pages

i don't think maple has any options related to sound. maybe you want to check your windows setting for this.
how about trying this : open Control panel, on the search box of right top corner, write "sound" . open the sound option and go to sound tab. and change sound scheme to nothing. but it will mute all sounds related to windows events and programs. maybe it solves the problem.


restart; Digits := 5; with(plots); with(LinearAlgebra)


a := 0; b := 1; N := 9; h := (b-a)/(N+1); k := 1/1000; phi := .5; K := 10^(-6); mu := 1.67; alpha := K/(phi*mu); lambda := alpha*k/h^2




for i from 0 while i <= N do u[i, 0] := h*i+1 end do


for j from 0 while j < N+1 do u[0, j] := .1; u[N+1, j] := .5 end do


printlevel := 2; for i while i <= N do for j from 0 while j <= N do eq[i, j] := lambda*u[i-1, j]+(2-2*lambda)*u[i, j]+lambda*u[i+1, j] = -lambda*u[i-1, j+1]+(2+2*lambda)*u[i, j+1]-lambda*u[i+1, j+1] end do end do

sys := ([seq])(seq(eq[i, j], j = 0 .. 9), i = 1 .. 9); indets(sys)


{u[0, 10] = u[0, 10], u[1, 1] = 1.1000, u[1, 2] = 1.1000, u[1, 3] = 1.1000, u[1, 4] = 1.1000, u[1, 5] = 1.1000, u[1, 6] = 1.1000, u[1, 7] = 1.1000, u[1, 8] = 1.1000, u[1, 9] = 1.1000, u[1, 10] = 1.1000+0.59880e-7*u[0, 10]+0.98982e-65*u[10, 10], u[2, 1] = 1.2000, u[2, 2] = 1.2000, u[2, 3] = 1.2000, u[2, 4] = 1.2000, u[2, 5] = 1.2000, u[2, 6] = 1.2000, u[2, 7] = 1.2000, u[2, 8] = 1.2000, u[2, 9] = 1.2000, u[2, 10] = 1.2000+0.35856e-14*u[0, 10]+0.16530e-57*u[10, 10], u[3, 1] = 1.3000, u[3, 2] = 1.3000, u[3, 3] = 1.3000, u[3, 4] = 1.3000, u[3, 5] = 1.3000, u[3, 6] = 1.3000, u[3, 7] = 1.3000, u[3, 8] = 1.3000, u[3, 9] = 1.3000, u[3, 10] = 1.3000+0.21470e-21*u[0, 10]+0.27605e-50*u[10, 10], u[4, 1] = 1.4000, u[4, 2] = 1.4000, u[4, 3] = 1.4000, u[4, 4] = 1.4000, u[4, 5] = 1.4000, u[4, 6] = 1.4000, u[4, 7] = 1.4000, u[4, 8] = 1.4000, u[4, 9] = 1.4000, u[4, 10] = 1.4000+0.12856e-28*u[0, 10]+0.46100e-43*u[10, 10], u[5, 1] = 1.5000, u[5, 2] = 1.5000, u[5, 3] = 1.5000, u[5, 4] = 1.5000, u[5, 5] = 1.5000, u[5, 6] = 1.5000, u[5, 7] = 1.5000, u[5, 8] = 1.5000, u[5, 9] = 1.5000, u[5, 10] = 1.5000+0.76980e-36*u[0, 10]+0.76988e-36*u[10, 10], u[6, 1] = 1.6000, u[6, 2] = 1.6000, u[6, 3] = 1.6000, u[6, 4] = 1.6000, u[6, 5] = 1.6000, u[6, 6] = 1.6000, u[6, 7] = 1.6000, u[6, 8] = 1.6000, u[6, 9] = 1.6000, u[6, 10] = 1.6000+0.46096e-43*u[0, 10]+0.12857e-28*u[10, 10], u[7, 1] = 1.7000, u[7, 2] = 1.7000, u[7, 3] = 1.7000, u[7, 4] = 1.7000, u[7, 5] = 1.7000, u[7, 6] = 1.7000, u[7, 7] = 1.7000, u[7, 8] = 1.7000, u[7, 9] = 1.7000, u[7, 10] = 1.7000+0.27602e-50*u[0, 10]+0.21471e-21*u[10, 10], u[8, 1] = 1.8000, u[8, 2] = 1.8000, u[8, 3] = 1.8000, u[8, 4] = 1.8000, u[8, 5] = 1.8000, u[8, 6] = 1.8000, u[8, 7] = 1.8000, u[8, 8] = 1.8000, u[8, 9] = 1.8000, u[8, 10] = 1.8000+0.16528e-57*u[0, 10]+0.35856e-14*u[10, 10], u[9, 1] = 1.9000, u[9, 2] = 1.9000, u[9, 3] = 1.9000, u[9, 4] = 1.9000, u[9, 5] = 1.9000, u[9, 6] = 1.9000, u[9, 7] = 1.9000, u[9, 8] = 1.9000, u[9, 9] = 1.9000, u[9, 10] = 1.9000+0.98970e-65*u[0, 10]+0.59880e-7*u[10, 10], u[10, 10] = u[10, 10]}





as a comment, can the space between a cube with corners (-1,-1,-1,) , (1,1,1) , and this sphere be filled? or can the volumes be subtracted from each other in plotting? 



A1:=plots:-implicitplot3d(x^2+y^2+z^2=1,x=-1..1,y=-1..1,z=-1..1,grid= [10$3], style= wireframe, scaling=constrained, axes=boxed, orientation=[25,60]):

A2:=plots:-implicitplot3d(x^2+y^2+z^2=1,x=-1..1,y=-1..1,z=-1..1,grid= [10$3], style= patchnogrid, scaling=constrained, axes=boxed, orientation=[25,60]):


A:=plots:-display(plottools:-cuboid([-1,-1,-1], [1,1,1]),scaling=constrained, colorscheme = ["xyzcoloring", proc (x, y, z) options operator, arrow; x+y-z^2 end proc], style = surface,style= wireframe,axes=none):












@mehran rajabi actually i don't know maple can find maximium value of a complex function or not ! as far as i know , it can't !

as a suggestion, your file name can be dependent to the loop numerator. so it can be done without over writing, but as @Carl Love said, is there need to store the jacobian every loop ?! 

steady state is a state in which variables are independent of time and actucally the "state" of the system is "steady". thus if differential equations are available, the differentiation with respect to the time becomes zero. ( see: 
then i think you are maximizing your function with respect to the varibale "x" , and your function is complex, is that right?

@Preben Alsholm @Kitonum 
tnx for the answer but as i already said, it is in the loop and the loop is updating the term f,
for example in the next loop f is as follows :









isn't there a direct substitution way?


@minhhieuh2003 maybe u want to try this :



ans:=int((a*x+c)/(b*x+d), x);







now , if u change parameters, the answer will be change.
also maybe u want to try these commands : subs,eval,simplify...


@tomleslie thank you, you are great.

@tomleslie in order to use the results in matlab, the command 'double' is used ( in order to convert symbolic result to floating point number used in matlab), but when there is more than one unkown in the system, it returns some errors, what should i do ? could pls help? tnx

@tomleslie yes, they all work, tnx for your comments, they were useful

@acer thnx for quick answer, it solved my problem, can i introduce more than one variable simultaneously?
for example sth like this :
setmaple('a,b',5,6) ? ( it returns errors)
or i should define them seprately ? 
with Regards, M.Jafari

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