
135 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 210 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by minhhieuh2003

I need admin's help
I use evalf(3*21/100,3)=0.630
and evalf(3*89/100,3)=2.67
Is there a way for me to get 2 decimal places
so evalf(3*21/100,3)=0.63?

please help me solve equation ${\sqrt {x^2-10 x+1}=\sqrt {-8 x^2+9 x-1}}$

above equation, maple gives 2 solutions x=2, x=1/9
but in fact the equation has no solution

please help me.

solve(sqrt(x^2-10*x+1) = sqrt(-8*x^2+9*x-1))

1/9, 2



Download solve_eq_help.mw

I want to use union, intersection and minus to find. Help me

I have number 0.12

I use convert(0.12,string), result ".12" lost 0. Why?

Please help me @acer

Hello everyone

Please help me about IntegrationTools:-Change does not transform x to u

IntegrationTools:-Change(int(3*x*sqrt(x+8), x)) 

I want to convert that primitive to a primitive like this: (2/3)*(Int(u^2*(u^2-8), u)) and Error, (in IntegrationTools:-Change) invalid boolean expression: 1

Please help me


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