
7022 Reputation

18 Badges

8 years, 229 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mmcdara

Could someone suppress one of these two questions

and put tomleslie's answer and mine on the same threads?



This question is related to the answer I gave to this question 232564-I-Need-To-Learn-What-Type-Of-Calculation

In a few words the OP (planetmknzm) wanted to know how a Maple's procedure (PlanePlot) was doing some calculus.
I proposed him to redirect the output of print('PlanePlot') to a mpl file, to open this latter, to insert a DEBUG() command and follow step by step what was going on.

If I execute the whole procedure (whose name is MyPlanePlot) I get this strange error
Error, (in MyPlanePlot) Colours is not a command in the Student package
Indeed PlanePlot contains instructions like this one

pl_Basis := plots['arrow']([[p, B[1]], [p, B[2]]], 'width' = pl_scale, 
      'colour' = Student:-Colours[2], op(basisoptions))

Searching for Colours in the help pages confirms what the error message says, but browsing the library with the assistant reveals that Student:-Colours does exist.

Do packages contain commands that are not accessible to users?
Why does PlanePlot work but its "clone" MyPlanePlot doesn't?
Last but not least, is there a way to fix this ?

Thanks in advance

PS : I discovered this issue as I was about to propose to planetmknzm another way to asked his previous question  232518-How-Can-We-Assign-The-Values-Of-Basis (just insert return B[1], B[2]: before the end of MyPlanePlot to get the vector basis)

Here is an example where (f@g)(..) cannot be written f(g(..)): When is @ necessary?

S := Sample(Uniform(-1, 1), 10):
((max-min)/Mean)(S);  # correctly evaluated

abs(Mean(S)); # correctly evaluated

((max-min)/abs(Mean))(S);  # unevaluated value: abs(Mean) appears as  |Statistics:-Mean| 

((max-min)/(abs@Mean))(S);  # correctly evaluated


Why does  1e-(Digits) return 1. and 1e-Digits generate an error?

Error, missing operator or `;`

type(Digits, posint)



I have  an expression made of a sum of different terms from which I want to extract all terms of a specific form.

A typical expression and the functions I want to extract is given in the attached file.

You will see in the example that the terms in the expression can be 

  • a constant
  • a continuous function of t
  • a piecewise function like
    something*piecewise(a(t) < 0, A(t), a(t) < 1, B(t), ...)
  • a piecewise function like
    something*piecewise(t < 0, A(t), t < 1, B(t), ...)


The functions I want to extract are only those of this latter form .

Thanks in advance

PS: all the situations I have to manage contain expressions of the form of the prototype expression given in the attached file.
       Nothing more general than this.

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