
7002 Reputation

18 Badges

8 years, 225 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mmcdara

It seems that Maple needs more help than necessary:



`Maple 2015.2, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Dec 20 2015, Build ID 1097895`


expr:= A+B*limit(f(x), x=+infinity);
eval(expr, limit(f(x), x=+infinity)=1)

A+B*(limit(f(x), x = infinity))




expr:= A+B*limit(2*f(x), x=+infinity);

eval(expr, limit(f(x), x=+infinity)=1);     # Shouldn't this return A+2*B
eval(expr, limit(2*f(x), x=+infinity)=2);   # Can I avoid doing this?

A+B*(limit(2*f(x), x = infinity))


A+B*(limit(2*f(x), x = infinity))




expr:= A+B*limit(f(x)^2, x=+infinity);

eval(expr, limit(f(x), x=+infinity)=1);     # Shouldn't this return A+B
eval(expr, limit(f(x)^2, x=+infinity)=1);   # Can I avoid doing this?

A+B*(limit(f(x)^2, x = infinity))


A+B*(limit(f(x)^2, x = infinity))




expr:= A+B*limit(2*f(x)^2, x=+infinity);

eval(expr, limit(f(x)^2, x=+infinity)=1);    # Shouldn't this return A+2*B
eval(expr, limit(2*f(x)^2, x=+infinity)=2);  # Can I avoid doing this?

A+B*(limit(2*f(x)^2, x = infinity))


A+B*(limit(2*f(x)^2, x = infinity))






Why don't the commands labelled "Shouldn't this return.." do the job?


I have an expression equal to the sum of N terms of the form Int(fn=1..N(x), x) and I want to replace each fn(x) by its Taylor (or series) expansion.

When the integrals are definite, like J1 below, I can easily obtain a new expression (K1) where the integrand has been replaced by some expansion.
But when the integral is indefinite, like J2, I get an evaluated expression for K2.

It seems I have to do some gymnastic (J3 --> K3) to get what I want


J1 := Int(sin(p*x), x=0..1);
K1 := eval(J1, Int = ((a, b) -> Int(mtaylor(a, x=0, 5), b)));

Int(sin(p*x), x = 0 .. 1)


Int(p*x-(1/6)*p^3*x^3, x = 0 .. 1)


# undefined integration

J2 := Int(sin(p*x), x);

`Expected result` = Int(p*x-(1/6)*p^3*x^3, x);

K2 := eval(J2, Int = ((a, b) -> Int(mtaylor(a, x=0, 5), b)));

Int(sin(p*x), x)


`Expected result` = Int(p*x-(1/6)*p^3*x^3, x)


eval(Int(sin(p*x), x), {Int = (proc (a, b) options operator, arrow; Int(mtaylor(a, x = 0, 5), b) end proc)})


# undefined integration using Intat

J3 := Intat(op(1, J2), op(2, J2)=y);
eval(%, Intat = ((a, b) -> Intat(mtaylor(a, x=0, 5), b))):

K3 := IntegrationTools:-Change(convert(%, Int), y=x, x)

Intat(sin(p*x), x = y)


Int(p*x-(1/6)*p^3*x^3, x)




Why do I get this unevaluatedform for K2?
Do I have to use Intat to get K3?

Thanks in advance

For years I observe that package orthopoly is not considered as a package within a procedure.
Finally I have decided to ask for clarifications: Can someone explain me why procedure f generates an error?


`Maple 2015.2, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Dec 20 2015, Build ID 1097895`


Without any procedure


H(2, x)

H(2, x)



H(2, x)



Within a procedure


type(orthopoly, package)



f := proc(m)
  uses orthopoly:
  H(m, x)
end proc:

Error, `orthopoly` is not a module or member


g := proc(m)
  orthopoly:-H(m, x)
end proc:








A few times ago I asked a question about the best way to upload a bunch of files and was told that I had to create a zip file and upload it.

The post I want to create is about the packing of "balls" in "unit boxes" (in arbitrary dimension). I have about 10 Maple worksheets and more than one thousand result files (likely about a hundred of hours of computation).
The size of the zip file is about 260 Mb and the link cannot be inserted (it does not even appear in the list of the uploadable files).

What do you recommend?


If I'm not mistaken Mapleprimes doesn't accept m files nor folders.


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