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8 years, 161 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mmcdara

Hello all, 

A question concerning NetCdf files was asked in 2012 and is still unanswered today.
Browsing the questions only returns this item, suggesting the NetCdf topic is not a concern in the Maple community.
Nevertheless, does it exist some capabilities in reading and writting NetCDF files ?
If not, are there some planned development on the subject ?

Let's hope now for not having to wait four years for an answer, all responses will be greatly appreciated, even negative.


PS : NetCdf capabilities already exist in Sage or Mathematica

reference :

Question:Quantile function
Mikhail Drugov 88 


In the reference above, Mikhail has raised a problem concerning the function Statistics:-Quantile.
A problem of the same kind exists for the function Mode.

In fact  Mode returns the value of the mode only for unimodal distributions ; but for "bimodal" distributions it does not work properly.
Theoritically the mode is the value where the PDF reaches its maximum maximorum. Except in very particular cases this maximum is unique, even if common language speaks of "bimodal distributions" instead of "two bumped distributions".

Here is an example of a two bumped distribution (Z) obtained by mixing two gaussians distributions.
It has two bumps (z=-1, z=2) but only one mode (z=-2).
It could be hopefully acceptable that Mode returns the {-2, 2} (even if only -2 is the true mode), but Mode returns also the value of z that minimizes PDF(Z, z), which is not correct at all.



X := RandomVariable(Normal(-2,1)):
Y := RandomVariable(Normal(2,1)):

r    := 0.4:
f__Z := unapply((1-r)*PDF(X,t)+r*PDF(Y,t), t);
Z    := Distribution(PDF=f__Z):

proc (t) options operator, arrow; .1692568750*2^(1/2)*exp(-(1/2)*(t+2)^2)+.1128379167*2^(1/2)*exp(-(1/2)*(t-2)^2) end proc


plot(PDF(Z,t), t=-4..4);



{-1.999102417, .1352239093, 1.997971857}






Hi everybody.

I often regret that Maple 18 and further versions (maybe some others before ?) do not represent lengthy and complex outputs by introducing substitution expressions (i.e. %1, %2, ...) as Maple 5 or 8 did.

An exemple can be found in the Maple V release 5 programming Guide (p95, expression %1 = ...)

To be more precise I provide you the output Maple 2015 gives on the same problem treated in "Introduction to Maple, André Heck (1993) Springer Verlag" ; page 86 (no advertising here !).

The problem is about solving a polynomial system in 3 indeterminates.
One of the (set of) solutions is quite complex and looks like (I represent just the beginning of the complete solution) :

{x = %1, y = -1/8*(%1^6 + 15*%1^4 ...) / %1^4 , z = ...}
%1 := RootOf(....)  

From at least Maple 18 this same solution takes this form

{x =  RootOf(....), y = -1/8*( RootOf(....)^6 + 15* RootOf(....)^4 ...) / %1^4 , z = ...}

My question is very simple : Does it exist a way to tell Maple to act as Maple 5/8 did ?

Thanks in advance.

PS1 : I tried things like subs(RootOf(....)=freeze(RootOf(....)), sols) but it is not perfect because I dit this manually, by a copy of RootOf(....) from the output and a paste into the subs(....) input (shame on me !)

PS2 : I use to work in worksheet mode, not document mode, and I would prefer an answer adapted to the worksheet mode.



Hi everybody, 


Could somebody just explain me why commands L[1..5] and L[3..6] below do not seem to return "the same type of thing" ?


L := Array(1..10, [$(1..10)]);

L := Array(1..10, {(1) = 1, (2) = 2, (3) = 3, (4) = 4, (5) = 5, (6) = 6, (7) = 7, (8) = 8, (9) = 9, (10) = 10})



Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])





Array(3 .. 6, {3 = 3, 4 = 4, 5 = 5, 6 = 6}, datatype = anything, storage = rectangular, order = Fortran_order)





Thank you for your attention


Could someone please explain to me why the procedure GraphTheory:-CycleBasis requires that the vertices of a graph be integers for it to work correctly ?
(while the definition of a graph supports other types of vertex names)


#------------------------------------------------------- test 1

g1 := Graph({{"a", 1}, {1, 3}, {"a", 3}});

Error, (in GraphTheory:-CycleBasis) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: "a" < 1

#------------------------------------------------------- test 2

g2 := Graph({{a, 1}, {1, 3}, {a, 3}});

Error, (in GraphTheory:-CycleBasis) cannot determine if this expression is true or false: a < 1


#------------------------------------------------------- test 3

g3 := Graph({{4, 1}, {1, 3}, {4, 3}});

[[1, 3, 4]]

Knowing this limitation I usually rename to integers the vertices of the graphs, next do some operations, and next go back to the original names.

Thanks for any explanation.

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