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8 years, 256 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mmcdara

Let M a block matrix, for instance:

S := [a, b, c, d]:
M := Matrix(2$2, (i, j) -> Matrix(2$2, symbol=S[2*(i-1)+j]))

It is quite simple to transform M into a 4x4 Matrix P with elements 

P[1, 1] = a[1, 1], P[1, 2] = a[1, 2], P[1, 3] = b[1, 1], ..., P[4, 4]= d[2, 2]

But does it exist a built-in Maple function which does this "unfolding"?

Thanks in advance

There are things that seem simple but rapidly turn into a nightmare.

Here is an example: what I want is to the expression given at equation (4) in the attached file.

Using Int gives a wrong result.
Using int gives a right one but not of the desired form (some double integrals are nested while others are not).

I've been stuck on this problem for hours, can you please help me to fix it?



use Statistics in
  # For more generality defina an abstract probability distribution.
  AbstractDistribution := proc(N)
      PDF = (x -> varphi(seq(x[n], n=1..N)))
  end proc:

  # Define two random variables pf AbstractDistribution type.
  X__1 := RandomVariable(AbstractDistribution(2)):
  X__2 := RandomVariable(AbstractDistribution(2)):

end use;

proc (N) Statistics:-Distribution(Statistics:-PDF = (proc (x) options operator, arrow; varphi(seq(x[n], n = 1 .. N)) end proc)) end proc






F := (U1, U2) -> U1/(U1+U2);
T := mtaylor(F(X__1, X__2), [X__1=1, X__2=1], 2):

proc (U1, U2) options operator, arrow; U1/(U1+U2) end proc


Error: x[2] is droped out of the double integral in the rightmost term

use IntegrationTools in

J := eval([op(expand(T))], [seq(X__||i=x[i], i=1..2)]);
L := add(
         j ->  
         if j::numeric then
               j * Statistics:-PDF(X__1, x)
               , seq(x[i]=-infinity..+infinity, i=1..2)
         end if
         , J
ET := %
end use;

[1/2, (1/4)*x[1], -(1/4)*x[2]]


1/2+(1/4)*(Int(x[1]*varphi(x[1], x[2]), [x[1] = -infinity .. infinity, x[2] = -infinity .. infinity]))-(1/4)*x[2]*(Int(varphi(x[1], x[2]), [x[1] = -infinity .. infinity, x[2] = -infinity .. infinity]))


1/2+(1/4)*(Int(x[1]*varphi(x[1], x[2]), [x[1] = -infinity .. infinity, x[2] = -infinity .. infinity]))-(1/4)*x[2]*(Int(varphi(x[1], x[2]), [x[1] = -infinity .. infinity, x[2] = -infinity .. infinity]))


I want this

'ET' = 1/2
       (1/4)*(Int(Int(x[1]*varphi(x[1], x[2]), x[1] = -infinity .. infinity), x[2] = -infinity .. infinity))
       -(1/4)*(Int(Int(x[2]*varphi(x[1], x[2]), x[1] = -infinity .. infinity), x[2] = -infinity .. infinity))

ET = 1/2+(1/4)*(Int(Int(x[1]*varphi(x[1], x[2]), x[1] = -infinity .. infinity), x[2] = -infinity .. infinity))-(1/4)*(Int(Int(x[2]*varphi(x[1], x[2]), x[1] = -infinity .. infinity), x[2] = -infinity .. infinity))


With int instead of Int one integral is double the other is double-nested

L := add(
         j ->  
         if j::numeric then
               j * Statistics:-PDF(X__1, x)
               , seq(x[i]=-infinity..+infinity, i=1..2)
         end if
         , J
ET := %

1/2+int(int((1/4)*x[1]*varphi(x[1], x[2]), x[1] = -infinity .. infinity), x[2] = -infinity .. infinity)+int(-(1/4)*x[2]*(int(varphi(x[1], x[2]), x[1] = -infinity .. infinity)), x[2] = -infinity .. infinity)


As the expression of ET is now correct, I tried to use IntegrationTools to get the
form I want (equation (4)).

But as soon as I replace int by Int x[2] is again droped out.

So it's not even worth thinking about using CollapseNested!


use IntegrationTools in
  eval(ET, int=Int);  
end use;

1/2+Int(Int((1/4)*x[1]*varphi(x[1], x[2]), x[1] = -infinity .. infinity), x[2] = -infinity .. infinity)+Int(-(1/4)*x[2]*(Int(varphi(x[1], x[2]), x[1] = -infinity .. infinity)), x[2] = -infinity .. infinity)




A case where simplify(...) and simplify~(...) both return the wrong result.
Should we consider this a simplify bug?


A simple case

J := Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity)
     Int(r[2]^2*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity)

(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[2]^2*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity))


# OK

op(1, J) = simplify(op(1, J))

Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity) = Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity)


# OK

op(2, J) = simplify(op(2, J))

Int(r[2]^2*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity) = Int(r[2]^2*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity)


# But...
# Not OK


(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[2](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))


# Not OK


(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[2](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))


# OK

map(simplify, J)

(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[2]^2*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity))


A slightly more complex case

J := (Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[2]^2*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity))-(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[2]*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity))^2;

(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[2]^2*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity))-(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[2]*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity))^2








is(J=map(simplify, J));
map(simplify, J);



(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[2](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))-(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[1]*varphi[2](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))^2


add(map(u -> map(simplify, u), [op(J)]));


(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[2]^2*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity))-(Int(r[1]^2*varphi[1](r[1]), r[1] = -infinity .. infinity))*(Int(r[2]*varphi[2](r[2]), r[2] = -infinity .. infinity))^2






Notional example:
I use mtaylor compute the Taylor expansion of a function f (U) of several variables U1, .., UN.
In the resul the terms are ordered this way:

  • the leftmost term is f (P) where P denotes the point where the expansion is done
  • followed by a succession of terms :
    • firstly ranked according to the total order of derivation of  f.
    • and among terms of same derivation order, ranked in some kind of lexicographic order

For instance

Vars    := [seq(U[i], i=1..2)]:
AtPoint := [seq(P[i], i=1..2)]:
mt      := mtaylor(f(Vars[]), Vars =~ AtPoint, 3)


f(P[1], P[2])+(D[1](f))(P[1], P[2])*(U[1]-P[1])+(D[2](f))(P[1], P[2])*(U[2]-P[2])+(1/2)*(D[1, 1](f))(P[1], P[2])*(U[1]-P[1])^2+(D[1, 2](f))(P[1], P[2])*(U[1]-P[1])*(U[2]-P[2])+(1/2)*(D[2, 2](f))(P[1], P[2])*(U[2]-P[2])^2


map(t -> op([0, 0], select(has, [op(t)], D)[]), [op(mt)][2..-1])

[D[1], D[2], D[1, 1], D[1, 2], D[2, 2]]




How could I define another ordering of the terms in this mtaylor expansion?
For instance 1 being identified to some letter and 2 to another one such that 1 <  2 a lexicographic order would be 

D[1], D[1, 1], D[1, 2], D[2], D[2, 2]

Thanks in advance

Is it possible to transform relation (2) into relation (7) without using the hand-made relation (3) and the  Sum -> Int -> Sum trick?


f := Product(x[i]^a*(1-x[i])^b, i)

Product(x[i]^a*(1-x[i])^b, i)


Lf := ln(f);

ln(Product(x[i]^a*(1-x[i])^b, i))


Sum(ln(x[i]^a*(1-x[i])^b), i)

Sum(ln(x[i]^a*(1-x[i])^b), i)


expand(%) assuming x[i] > 0, x[i] < 1, a > 0, b > 0

Sum(a*ln(x[i])+b*ln(1-x[i]), i)


eval(%, Sum=Int)

Int(a*ln(x[i])+b*ln(1-x[i]), i)



a*(Int(ln(x[i]), i))+b*(Int(ln(1-x[i]), i))


Lf = eval(%, Int=Sum)

ln(Product(x[i]^a*(1-x[i])^b, i)) = a*(Sum(ln(x[i]), i))+b*(Sum(ln(1-x[i]), i))





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