
25 Reputation

One Badge

10 years, 206 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mnovaes

I have a routine which returns a certain result. In the simplest case the result should be p[[1]].

The result is indeed p[[1]]. However, when I ask whether the result is equal to p[[1]], Maple says false.

Why does is not recognize these two things as being equal?


This was very surprising!!


This is inconsistent! After g and h have been assigned values, they do not depend on x anymore, so g should not be turned into 4 by subs

I want to solve for the coefficients in some multivariate polynomials by equating them to other known multivariate polynomials.


Something like this. I have




I want to impose that p[1]=x^2+2*x*y+3*z and that p[2]=x+4*y*z and I want Maple to tell me the values of (a,b,c,d,e,f).


Sounds simple enough, but I have not been able to do it

Let G be a permutation group like S3. I have a loop in which x runs over the elements of this group.

When I ask the cycle type of x or the number of orbits of x, Maple gives an incorrect result in some cases. This is because when x=(12), for example, Maple considers x to be an element of the permutation group S2 instead of S3, i.e. it fails to understand that (12) should really be (12)(3) in this case.

Is there a way I can instruct Maple to consider the permutation (12) as a member of S3 instead of S2? 

I am posting the code as requested. Something like this:


for x in Elements(S3) do print(x, numelems(Orbits(PermutationGroup(x)))) end do;

(I don't know how to format this, sorry)

This code is simply asking how many orbits exist in the action of each element of S3. The result will be 1 for x=(12), however, because Maple will assume that (12) is acting on the set {1,2}, even though I am considering (12) as an element of S3. I want it to consider (12)=(12)(3) and let it act on the set {1,2,3}, thereby producing 2 orbits, not 1.

I want to sum over several variables at once.


For example, something like


sums over 3 variables. But this can only be done if I know the number of variables in advance. I want to write a code that will sum over m variables, with m being supplied on demand.


Maple can do this for integrals. If I write


the integral is computed over m variables, for any m.


How can something like this be implemented for summation?


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