
20 Reputation

3 Badges

2 years, 175 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by moh111

How can I display the symbol (blue solid circle) and the line (blue line) together in the legend box (( from   to ))?

plot(sin(x), x = -3 .. 3, colour = [blue], style = pointline, symbol = [solidcircle], numpoints = 20, legend = ["sin(x)"])





How can numbers be displayed inside the contour plot?

contourplot(x*exp(-x^2 - y^2), x = -2 .. 2, y = -2 .. 2, axes = boxed);
like this

How can these eight equations q[0]...q[7] be solved for the eight unknowns a1[0]...a1[7] and with the lowest CPU time

If i have p := 8*T(x, 7)*T(x, 2)+4*T(x, 5)*T(x, 1)+6*T(x, 3)*T(x, 3)+7*T(x, 1)*T(x, 4)

 I want to convert the the multiplication functions like T(x, 7)*T(x, 2) into summation T(x, 7)+T(x, 2)

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