
119 Reputation

8 Badges

15 years, 282 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by moses


D__s := 0.5e-1


f__s := 2.5*Unit('Hz')

f := 7.5*Unit('Hz')

D__1 := .8*D__s

D__2 := 0.87e-1

D__HH := `if`(f/Unit('Hz') < f__s/Unit('Hz'), D__1, D__2)

x__p := map(proc (z) options operator, arrow; z*Unit('ft') end proc, [-3.3, 0., 3.3, -3.3, 0., 3.3, -3.3, 0., 3.3])

y__p := map(proc (z) options operator, arrow; z*Unit('ft') end proc, [3.3, 3.3, 3.3, 0., 0., 0., -3.3, -3.3, -3.3])

n__pile := nops(x__p)

dex := proc (xpin, ypin, npilein) local i, j, fin, Sin; global x__p, y__p, n__pile; x__p := xpin; y__p := ypin; n__pile := npilein; for i to n__pile do for j to n__pile do fin := []; Sin[i, j] := sqrt((x__p[i]-x__p[j])^2+(y__p[i]-y__p[j])^2); fin := [op(fin), Sin[i, j]] end do end do end proc



Parse:-ConvertTo1D, "first argument to _Inert_ASSIGN must be assignable"



dex(x__p, y__p, n__pile)

`&xi;ex`(x__p, y__p, n__pile)




Good Afternoon Community,

Would anybody please help me with the attached workshet. I have written a procedure with Maple to calculate the spacing between piles assumming any pile as a reference point, and also to calculate the angle between each pile from the same reference point, my procedure is not yielding any results. Please Help!




Good Afternoon Everyone,

Would anybody be kind to help me with the interpolation of two variables in a table to obtain a value for f18.1 (Stiffness) and f18.2 (Damping) given SR_ratio and Lamda_ratio.










Slenderness Ratio (Variable 1):

SR__ratio := 84.01


Ratio of modulus of elasticity of Pile vs shear modulus of soil (Variable 2):

`&lambda;__ratio` := 229.58


Slenderness ratio of pile from stiffness of pile table:

SR__stiff := [10.8696, 21.7391, 32.6087, 43.4783, 46.7391, 54.3478, 65.2174, 76.0870, 86.9565, 100.0]


Ratio of Young's Modulus of Pile to Shear modulus of soil:

EG__ratio := [250.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 2500.0, 5000.0, 10000.0]


Vertical stiffness coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.1.250:

`f__18.1.250` := [0.332e-1, 0.509e-1, 0.571e-1, 0.582e-1, 0.582e-1, 0.582e-1, 0.582e-1, 0.582e-1, 0.582e-1, 0.582e-1]


Vertical stiffness coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.1.500:

`f__18.1.500` := [0.187e-1, 0.301e-1, 0.364e-1, 0.405e-1, 0.416e-1, 0.416e-1, 0.416e-1, 0.416e-1, 0.416e-1, 0.416e-1]


Vertical stiffness coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.1.1000:

`f__18.1.1000` := [0.104e-1, 0.166e-1, 0.218e-1, 0.26e-1, 0.27e-1, 0.281e-1, 0.291e-1, 0.301e-1, 0.301e-1, 0.301e-1]


Vertical stiffness coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.1.2500:

`f__18.1.2500` := [0.52e-2, 0.83e-2, 0.104e-1, 0.125e-1, 0.135e-1, 0.145e-1, 0.166e-1, 0.177e-1, 0.187e-1, 0.197e-1]


Vertical stiffness coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.1.10000:

`f__18.1.10000` := [0.21e-2, 0.31e-2, 0.42e-2, 0.42e-2, 0.52e-2, 0.52e-2, 0.62e-2, 0.62e-2, 0.73e-2, 0.83e-2]


Slenderness ratio of pile from damping of pile table:

SR__damp := [10.8696, 16.3043, 21.7391, 27.1739, 32.6087, 38.0435, 43.4783, 48.913, 54.3478, 59.7826, 65.2174, 70.6522, 76.0870, 81.5217, 86.9565, 92.3913, 100.0]


Vertical damping coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.2.250:

`f__18.2.250` := [.1032, .1137, .1126, .1095, .1053, .1021, 0.989e-1, 0.979e-1, 0.979e-1, 0.979e-1, 0.979e-1, 0.979e-1, 0.979e-1, 0.979e-1, 0.979e-1, 0.989e-1, 0.989e-1]


Vertical damping coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.2.500:

`f__18.2.500` := [0.558e-1, 0.695e-1, 0.811e-1, 0.832e-1, 0.811e-1, 0.789e-1, 0.758e-1, 0.737e-1, 0.726e-1, 0.716e-1, 0.705e-1, 0.695e-1, 0.695e-1, 0.695e-1, 0.695e-1, 0.705e-1, 0.705e-1]


 Vertical damping coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.2.1000:

`f__18.2.1000` := [0.295e-1, 0.421e-1, 0.495e-1, 0.537e-1, 0.568e-1, 0.589e-1, 0.579e-1, 0.568e-1, 0.558e-1, 0.537e-1, 0.526e-1, 0.516e-1, 0.516e-1, 0.505e-1, 0.505e-1, 0.505e-1, 0.495e-1]


 Vertical damping coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.2.2500:

`f__18.2.2500` := [0.126e-1, 0.179e-1, 0.232e-1, 0.263e-1, 0.305e-1, 0.326e-1, 0.347e-1, 0.368e-1, 0.379e-1, 0.379e-1, 0.379e-1, 0.379e-1, 0.379e-1, 0.368e-1, 0.358e-1, 0.358e-1, 0.337e-1]


   Vertical damping coefficient for floating pile as per Novak (1983) f18.2.10000:

`f__18.2.10000` := [0.32e-2, 0.53e-2, 0.74e-2, 0.84e-2, 0.105e-1, 0.116e-1, 0.137e-1, 0.147e-1, 0.147e-1, 0.168e-1, 0.168e-1, 0.179e-1, 0.189e-1, 0.189e-1, 0.200e-1, 0.211e-1, 0.211e-1]






`f__18.1` := ArrayInterpolation(SR__ratio, `&lambda;__ratio`, SR__stiff, EG__ratio, `f__18.1.250`)

`f__18.2__ _` := ArrayInterpolation(SR__ratio, `&lambda;__ratio`, SR__damp, EG__ratio, `f__18.2.250`)




Good Afternoon Everyone,

Would anybody be kind to help me with the interpolation of two variables in a table to obtain a value for f18.1 (Stiffness) and f18.2 (Damping) given SR_ratio and Lamda_ratio.




Good Afternoon,

Would anybody be kind to help me trouble shoot the attached file. My goal is to solve two equations and then substitute the results into other equations to check for equilibrum. My problem is I cannot get MathCAD to evaluate Rpile[i in I[pile]. Please I need some help.





Good Evening Everyone,

Would any body be kind to help me with the attached file. My goal is to plot the frequency graph with different sets of variables for a vertical pump on a pile cap to avoid resonace.



Happy New Year Maple Comminity,

Attached is a file I'm working on. I have created two sub-programs called BEven and BOdd, and my goal is to call this two program inside another program called Ym. I do not no if I have do this correctly, I have also pasted the equtaions I was tring to solve.

Would anybody please help me, to see if I have coded the equations correctly. If not please help.



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