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7 years, 305 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mschneider

@Christian Wolinski 


Thank you Christian and Carl.  As I mentioned I was not sure if the X>0 was part of the procedure or a parameter on variable x.  Given it is part of the procedure i better understand what you have sent.  Thank you both very kindly.

Is there a way to perform solve without going through such complexity in maple commands?


@Christian Wolinski 

perhaps I am not understanding your function: 

  • B:=map2(proc(x) x>0 end@op,1, indets(A, 'ln(dependent(x))'));

I could be wrong but it looks like you eliminated the issue, by stating that x>0...  which would depend on the domain of the logarithmic function.  If I randomize my values for a,b,c,d, and rs it will render x>0 rather useless.




a := parse(SubstituteAll(convert(exp(2), string), "exp(", "exp(1)^("));

b := (exp(1))^2;


@Christian Wolinski 

This doesn't help...

If I set Digits:=25 the error occurs in the 25th place value.
If I set Digits:=50 the error occurs in the 50th place value.

for i from 25 to 30 do

Digits := i;

c = evalf((exp(1))^2); d = evalf(exp(2));

end do;

This doesn't help if the CAS cannot evaluate e^(2t) - exp(2t).

a := exp(2);

b := (exp(1))^2;


for i to 5 do

precision := 10+i:


end do;


here is what I have so far...


response := "(x+3)(x-1)/(x-1)";
response1 := SubstituteAll(response, `)(`, `)*(`);

now I need to be able to compare answer to response1....  as soon as I parse response1 it reduces to answer....  which is not what I want.

Any thoughts on how to parse and expand response1 at the same time?




The challenge I am having is particularly with the bimodal distribution and how to attain the data set....  Also looking to find out how to generate a dataset that is left or right skewed?

@Kitonum  @Carl Love 


Thank-you both, the larger purpose of this Maple call is MapleTA.  Your suggestions have been helpful, thank-you.




let me rephrase:


I would like to build a Maple call, whereby 5*x^3+7*x^2+2*x^3 is somehow exported to latex without collecting like terms.

I cannot seem to get it to work.

any help would be much appreciated.




@acer that worked very well.  Thank-you.  I would have never thought that would work. I tried Char() with string tools and everything else, but your exceptionally simple idea worked exceptionally well.



The code is being used in MapleTA and I require MathML output not simple print output.

I need 7/9 ; 1/4  displayed as output as MathML...


Problem seems to be fixed (but I am sure it could have been done in a single generation of MathML, rather than 3 seperate generations.




That is exactly what I was looking for thanks Tom.  I knew I needed some combination of sequence and rand, but couldn't figure out how to order it.  Your suggestions will work grandly.

@Carl Love 

I tried:

sys := { z = 4, x+y= 10, x-y = 5 };
L:=solve(sys, [x,y,z] );
eval([x,y,z], L);

and I am getting an error, hoping to display the ordered tuple.


Here is a photo of what happens when MapleTA runs the question when only producing one root, even though there are, as you admit, either 2 or 4 roots given the low h value.


What I am referring to is MapleTA, not the maple package (mapleTA).  Perhaps you do not use the program and hence really fail to understand.

Essentially MapleTA is an online assessment tool that uses the maple CAS to evaluate certain things. Some of the programming requires a call out to a server running maple. 

On my local machine I have never had a problem running the script and it sounds like you have not either. However when MapleTA calls out to the server to evaluate the code it only produces a single root (for actually the majority of randomizations). 

If you have Maple TA attempt to creat a question with the above code, and I assure you your algorithmic preview will produce one root the majority of times, which is very problematic and signs of a bug in MapleTA (which is different than the package mapleTA within maple).

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