
190 Reputation

9 Badges

20 years, 83 days
Dr. Gilbert Lai is an independent consultant. He is also a mentor for FIRST Robotics team SWAT 771 ( As a former employee of Maplesoft, he was team lead in the MapleSim simulation engine development team and was technical adviser on various MapleSim add-on toolboxes.

Trained as a Computer Engineer, Dr. Lai’s research interests include robotics control (force feedback teleoperation), aerospace and mechatronics applications (helicopter modelling and control). In his spare time, he enjoys computer games, Sci-Fi movies and quality time with his family.

You can follow @gilbert_lai_phd on Twitter.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by myGL

The short answer to your question "can you solve it in general?" is probably no. And that's not a Maple thing. It is more the nature of the problem. In general, inverse kinematic problems either do not have a solution (e.g. the desired position is outside of the robot arm workspace), only a sinlge solution (at singularity) or it has multiple solutions (elbow up/down configuration). So depending on the values of the unknown parameters, the same problem could have one, multiple or no solution at all. This is why I doubt you can solve the problem "symbolically" (with no assumption on the unknowns). For special cases, where you can apply knowledge of the geometric configuration of the robot for simplication, you might be able solve the inverse kinematic problem symbolically. Other than that, you are probably better off substituting in all of the parameters and solve the problem numerically. Gilbert ================================ Applications Engineer, Maplesoft
Curious, is this some sort of inverse kinematic problem for a robot arm? Gilbert ================================ Applications Engineer, Maplesoft
Curious, is this some sort of inverse kinematic problem for a robot arm? Gilbert ================================ Applications Engineer, Maplesoft
You can right-click on the table and select Table->Properties. In the Table Properties dialog box, select None for both Exterior and Interior Borders and click OK. That should remove the border for the table. (You might still see a "ghost" outline of the table when you move the mouse pointer over the table area. To prevent maple from doing that, select View->Show/Hide Contents... from the main menu. In the Show Contents dialog box, uncheck the "Hidden Table Borders" option). Gilbert ================================ Applications Engineer, Maplesoft
You can right-click on the table and select Table->Properties. In the Table Properties dialog box, select None for both Exterior and Interior Borders and click OK. That should remove the border for the table. (You might still see a "ghost" outline of the table when you move the mouse pointer over the table area. To prevent maple from doing that, select View->Show/Hide Contents... from the main menu. In the Show Contents dialog box, uncheck the "Hidden Table Borders" option). Gilbert ================================ Applications Engineer, Maplesoft
See here (I am trying to use this post to test how to include links to other articles on the site... it seems to be working ;) )...
Is the worksheet in the attachment supposed to be empty? Also, the default name of the worksheet (when I click and save) was "before" (without extension)... it seems it has something to do with spaces in the file name... (I am using Firefox on a Win2K machine...) thanks! (nice view, by the way :-) )
Yes, the first impression I got was that certain key features (e.g. Home, logout, about.. etc) seems to be "out-of-place" (meaning they are not located at the "usual spots" where I would expect them to be and requires a fraction of a second for me to actually "read" the links and find them)... of course, this is definitely a personal bias based on the websites that I have encountered so far... but I think there is some general consensus on popular websites for where certain things are expected to be...
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