
145 Reputation

7 Badges

8 years, 203 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by panke

@Mariusz Iwaniuk 


thank you, indeed a little correction

but with my maple version 13 it dose't work !


@Preben Alsholm 


Thank you for your help



i like your answer, because I can follow you.

I don't unterstand the philosophy of Maple , why Maple don't offer this function, some how, in my case I 

need it to obtain the frequency of the wave 


Thank you for your help


I don't unterstand why so complicate to get answer for my simple quation? or you can't solve this problem ?

please let me know, so I look for alternativ solution .

Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of .50003810, event #1 triggered a halt
Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of 1.0000762, event #1 triggered a halt
Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of 1.5001143, event #1 triggered a halt
Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of 2.0001524, event #1 triggered a halt

I nned all the events points


Thank you


If you start my program you get this warning


Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of .50095360, event #1 triggered a halt
Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of 1.0019072, event #1 triggered a halt
Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of 1.5028608, event #1 triggered a halt
Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of 2.0038144, event #1 triggered a halt

how can I get the time t=.5,1.0,1.5,2 this was my quation


Thank you


this is my maple code



Tank you for your rsponse and help

Tank you for your help


this don't word in dsolve ?


how can I use this proc (RPM)  in dsolve([...].numeric...)?

@Carl Love 

this equation control a state event, if you know what it is? So it make sense!

@Carl Love 


f_i are Heaviside function of x3l, so I get  recrusive error


x31 is a function of f1 f2 and f3 , f1 i,f2, f3 are functions of x31 so you get algebraic loop. Maple error x31 is recursive 



Thank you, but I used I_w ... not I , I think Maple schuld recognized this ?


Thank you for your help

@Joe Riel 


Thank you it work!!!

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