
Mr. Erfan Permanoon

165 Reputation

5 Badges

5 years, 233 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by permanoon123


actually, I want a point plot for each complex number of c(x,t)

thanks for your time and consideration


actually, I want a point plot for each complex number of c(x,t)



Oh, yes it is my fault. integral(0..L)dx Not dt!

why did my plot not answer?





Digits := 100


proc (t) options operator, arrow, function_assign; 10*exp(-(1/1300000)*(t-4000)^2)+6*exp(-(1/1400000)*(t-6900)^2) end proc


p0 := plot(g(t), t = 0 .. 20000, color = green); plots[display]({p0})



v := .7

disp := 15

PDE := diff(C(x, t), t) = -v*(diff(C(x, t), x))+disp*(diff(C(x, t), x, x))

IBC := C(x, 0) = 0, C(0, t) = g(t), (D[1](C))(10000, t) = 0

pds := pdsolve(PDE, [IBC], time = t, range = 0 .. 10000, timestep = 10, numeric, spacestep = 10)



k := pds:-plot(x = 6500, t = 0 .. 20000, numpoints = 600); plots[display]({k})



"f(t):= unapply(Spline( getdata(k)[3][..,1],getdata(k)[3][..,2],'t',degree=2),t): "

D1 := 15

E := 20000

L := 6500

n := 200

lambda = `√`(n*Pi/L, (1/2)*D1+`√`((1/4)*D1^2+E(`nπ`/L)^2))


C(x, t) = sum(2*(int(f(t)*sin(`nπx`/L)*exp^(-lambda^2*t)*sin(`nπx`/L), x = 0 .. L))/L, m = 1 .. infinity)

uu5000 := [seq(evalf(C(20000-i, 5000)), i = 0 .. 20000, 100)]


xx := [seq(i, i = 0 .. 20000, 100)]


p1 := plot(xx, uu5000, color = cyan, legend = [''t = 5000''])

Error, (in plot) two lists or Vectors of numerical values expected



Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structures but received: {p1}





could you help me please, I want polynomial regression degree 2 for my data!

such as this one in surfer software:

my data:

x y z
146 146 207
143 143 205
55 55 140
65 65 148
733 275 632
379 379 379
186 153 418
48 31 88
753 753 655
33 33 124
90 54 66


Do you want to build a linear model which relates the "Thoracic IDEM" to "First" and "Min"? 

yes, sure and just I want to draw a regression in a 3d plot







Digits := 10:


L := point([146, 146, 207], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([143, 143, 205], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([55, 55, 140], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([65, 65, 148], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([733, 275, 632], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([379, 379, 379], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([186, 153, 418], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([48, 31, 88], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([753, 753, 655], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([33, 33, 124], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50), point([90, 54, 66], color = red, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 50):

display(L, axes = boxed, view = [-800 .. 800, -800 .. 800, -800 .. 800], orientation = [125, 65], title = `Thoracic IDEM`, labels = [First, Min, Predicted], labelfont = ["HELVETICA", 20], titlefont = ["ROMAN", 30])







why uu14000 answer to me this form?
but in uu5000, not this problem
why my code can not compute uu14000?


Thanks for help me.


I want to append to the same Excel file


thanks for attention

I want output of for(do) rule in excel file

@Carl Love 

Can you help me again? please

the code with exponential function work but piecewise function spend very time and don't give me plot!

My pc:

processer: core i7, 3.5GHz



Digits := 10:




v := .7:

Disp := 20:

esp := 1000000:

k := 0:

E := proc (x, t) options operator, arrow; int(exp((-esp*w^4+Disp*w^2+k)*t)*cos(w*(x+v*t))/Pi, w = 0. .. infinity) end proc;

proc (x, t) options operator, arrow; int(exp((-esp*w^4+Disp*w^2+k)*t)*cos(w*(x+v*t))/Pi, w = 0. .. infinity) end proc


f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 < x and x < 10000, (1/1000)*x, 10000 < x and x < 20000, -(1/1000)*x+20) end proc:

plot(f(x), x = 0 .. 20000)



u := proc (x, t) options operator, arrow; int(E(x-xi, t)*f(xi), xi = 0. .. 20000) end proc;

proc (x, t) options operator, arrow; int(E(x-xi, t)*f(xi), xi = 0. .. 20000) end proc


u := proc (x, t) options operator, arrow; evalf(Int(E(x-xi, t)*f(xi), xi = 0 .. 20000, method = _NCrule, epsilon = 1/100000)) end proc

proc (x, t) options operator, arrow; evalf(Int(E(x-xi, t)*f(xi), xi = 0 .. 20000, method = _NCrule, epsilon = 1/100000)) end proc


plot(u(0, t), t = 0 .. 60000, numpoints = 10)









Download analyze_of_epsilon_with_x^


I think the problem is with piecewise function because there is no problem when the function hasn't any piecewise

@Carl Love 

could you please help me to fix my code? I try but my code has a bad answer(look my plot) & I really need that


would you help me to plot u(x,t) in x=0 & all time,please


@Carl Love 

Thanks,would you please send me the cods

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