
29 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 17 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by rmhmd

Hi, I m using the Nonlinearfit command .the fit is very good and gives reasonable values for the parameters of he fitting but Maple says the Residual Mean Squre value is not available when I use the command


please any one know the meaning?thanks


Hi, sometimes when I am using the command Nonlinearfit for a data file to a known model equation and four fitting parameters Maple give me this warning : warning, limiting number of major interations has been reached. any one can help and explain the meaning of this warning? thanks

Hi, How I can know the goodness of my fitting?and what is equation which Maple usually use to calculate the standared deviation of the fitting parameters and the residual mean square, the residual standard deviation and the residual sum of squre.please see the file.Thanks Please replace this text with the link to your file. The link can be found in the File Manager and tha data file is: Please replace this text with the link to your file. The link can be found in the
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