
45 Reputation

7 Badges

15 years, 234 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by rolfjg


thank you, at least now I know not to hunt for some command that apparently doesn't exists.

@acer That is precisely what I was looking for! Thank you very much for your effort and input. Rolf.


@Carl Love  thank you again, and...I'm sorry to report, that didn't  work either.

I played around a bit with the command, and I came up with two solutions, one of them is not bad, the other seem to miss an option that tells Maple where and how to put the string of data;


ColumnGraph(y,legend=["Years inclusive 1992,1994....2004])

this works well enough, looks good, and would withstand executions later on without having to re-type any info.


this one also worked, with the exception that it wouldn't print the years on each column respectively like the command with the interactive option does.

Neither of the two above would accept the list assigned to x.

The error message I received when I tried the command you suggested ColumnGraph(zip(`=`,x,y)); is as follows:

Error, (in Statistics[ColumnGraph] invalid input: Statistics[ColumnGraph] expects value for keyword parameter captions to be of type {list(string),identical(none),identical(absolute),identical(relative)} but received [1992,....2004]

Again, thank you for trying to help me in this endeaver. I really do appreciate your effort, hope it is also fun in trying to conquer this challenge. Respectfully, Rolf.


@Carl Love  I would like to thank you for your immediate response, unfortunately, it didn't work. By fiddling around, I came to a solution which solved the problem, sort of.

Here is what I have, x:=[1992,1994,1996,1998,2000,2002,2004]


I changed from having two vectors to having two lists, easier to work with, and so the suggested solution became,

Statistics[ColumnGraph](y,x), by the way I also tried it with the vectors and typed in the command just as you have suggested and I got the error message as follows:

Error,(in Statistics[ColumnGraph] unexpected option: datasetlabels = [1992,1994,......]. I got the same response inserting x which is in list format.

Then I tried this command:

ColumnGraph['interactive'](y), that brought up the interactive window and all I had to do is type in the list of x into the box labeled captions, it wouldn't accept the variable x. This interactive app does'nt give you the option to have just the command printet out.

Usually no problem, except if you execute the worksheet sometimes later, you wind up having to type in the list of years again. If you happen to come up with a command that will print the column graph with one command line, I would be very grateful. Again, thank you so much, I really appreciate your effort, respectfully,


@Alejandro Jakubi  This is very good advice, I was not aware of the bug in the parser.

I thank you for your answer, makes my day!


Thank you very much for your answer, this is great!


Thank you very much,

I was able to complete all my plotting problems without a hitch,


Thank you very much,

I was able to complete all my plotting problems without a hitch,


Thank you, much appreciated.

It works wonderful on all my plotting problems.


Thank you, much appreciated.

It works wonderful on all my plotting problems.


Thank you very much,

I appreciate it.

Thank you very much,

I appreciate it.

Thank you very much!

Much appreciated,


Wow! I had no idea of the many ways one can approach this problem.

Thank you Alec for sharing your knowledge,


Wow! I had no idea of the many ways one can approach this problem.

Thank you Alec for sharing your knowledge,


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