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These are replies submitted by salim-barzani

@acer that is so perfect, now i must export to matlab i need just forum or template to put them and give me my graph , it is the same graph but a little bit have more graphic.

@mmcdara i try a lot but i don't know hwat to do to the proc i write the two function and have Re function both of them but i don't know where i should give them range and other stuff. M1&M2 are function

@acer this is emazing too, i did try but didn't get my answer, how if we have two different function like M & M1 we want graph of abs(M,M1)  with thus parameter, and it is possible if tell maple combine the graph then give use one outcome function  which discribe the both function with one function  of the plot.

@mmcdara  it is emazing but i don't know why not working for me can i put my strange function in F? it is emazing if i can plot with this is first time i saw something like this is totaly different  can you use my two function?

@acer  Thanks for that code is magic code  for me , but i want do something different but please upload (mw) i can undrestand the code but you are at high level i can't arange the code when you write like above becuase your code all are procecure  it will be hard for arange and mixed them.

I want put two our three plot with full detailed them and mention how they seperated by name or color must be mentioned in graph also not for two or three different graph for example for three function (f1,f2,f3) plot just abs(f1,f2,f3)  but the function are so different maybe one of them is dark one is bright or one of them are dark with rotate the contor right now that is exactly  i want .

about template the matlab  is some thing like that i just want put my function and replace at there for get the graph i want

like this mw below

@acer thanks for correct my topic, if you watch in below comment @mmcdara  write a good code and i inpute two function in one 3D plot without using display, about template i don't know about matlab so much but i have some template for making graph but still i don't get this combine together i am looking for it, i work with maple at all just i use graph of matlab but i do my visualization at maple then i transform to matlab of corse i  have a template for putting my code there which is just a function and template give me the graph 3D with high quality , but in maple i need other kind of 3D graph the code in comment below give two dimension contour and desity i want 3 dimension and combine them of different function but both of them real or emaginary or absulot!

i hope you got my mean.

@mmcdara  it is emazing code really i like it so much it been two hour i just work with it specially with plots[interactive] he give me option and told me how many graph i could have i am looking for this cood about 6 mounth and now i am finding becuase of you thank you so much, but density plot is 2D how i can get 3D desity plot, in first code the squence one i don't undrestand but is so good i did't know how work it! i have a lot idia but i need time i will mention your name in next post be sure about that, there is any way for get plot of desity in 3D and how we export for matlab there is any template ?

Q1: i want respresent them for show how they diffrent for example  by changing just parameter in abs(F) i can make two plot one dark one bright and i can show the different  of them in onne graph beside this i can do other stuff too but i need a good vision and graphic i have to export the graph to matlab

Q2: it is emazing i like this so much but i need more like 3D desity and contour other stuff to but problem is this how export to matlab how i can get template by putting each function at template give the plot of both of them in one plot i need that


@acer Hello, and again thank you for your emazing code, yes, I deleted that post after I realized that the code could be very important for my work.

I decided to delete it, I hope you are not upset, I don't want anyone to have that code, let the one who wants to express her opinion.I deleted it due to the sensitivity of the topic, I hope you understand.

you welcome anytime any where.

@acer i owe you and thank you so much this is help me and make me fly right now with this emazing code.

@acer i don't belive that how you did it that is exactly what i am looking for but one step remain   , when i enter the last program geve me the parameter but it will be so better if be like that instead of just  be a number in bracket

[0.1,0.2,0.3,...] if be like that will be better [alpha=0.1,beta=0.2,gamma=0.3,...] i want to to this too it will be more amazing

and it can be both together in one program or i must seperatly used them  for parameter and for function can i merge them in one program for parameter and function?

@acer ok never mind about parameter search (is like searching for a kind of graph like generating graph by parameter graph name kind of kink, w-shap, bell-shap, wave and so on ) i can look for parameter by your code exploring is a good code and it is work for me
when i manipulate parameter and get my graph i want inpute thus parameter in M(our function), becuase i must transfer this function with substituting all parameter in M
how i can do that?

@nm  can you upload here, manager delete it watch my above comment you will see he delete it , it is new and i have a lot question about that but becuase manager i  reduce my questions. and this program i uploaded belonge to him he did that.
and i know it is work if change alpha but i want after i sketch graph by manipulate paramater i want substitute thus parameters in my function M i need that outcome with substituting paramaeters
also if there is any other idea it will be so good for ploting

@acer this code is emazing specialy when we do change variable by range of  parameter, that you did is exactly my mean but the picture i don't know why is not so clear and name of them is real or imaginary or absolute or countour or density i want search for each graph and like you did the change parameter for each one of graph seperatly , and if possible can we tell the maple search for wave graph or kink or dark and bright graph , i want graph seperatly not  all together i hope you do it because already you did it but need detail thank you so much and sorry for late answering.

i always use this code and is really painfull and wasting a lot of time to find each one seperatly and each time change parameter and again watch plot watch we have is wasting time a lot i want something like you did with exploring but i don't know how do it please watch the code and make it to exploring if possible, also i want conversation language to matlab of last function if possible

i am looking for a graph like that in below and also this graph is construct by matlab by maple is big help for sketch them let me give you some example

@acer  I want someone plot the solution of this kind function and explain the phase and magnitude and how paramter effect the plots , this function is hard one for plotting but there is any code for giving parameter plotting automatically I need a code for parameter search automatically and look for my graph there is anything like that 

@acer If I don't have this perfect group in MaplePrimes, really, I was quit a long time ago.
thank you so much sir this is exactly what i was stuck ,every thing is done and in test i am stuck thank you again and again i am glad so much for this really is new thing for me  and i owe you .

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