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MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by salim-barzani

@mmcdara  you did already thank you for your help and response

@mmcdara  i know the ode will be zero but is wrong becuase is a number my function must contain xi at end that is becuase of e[-1] and e[0] and e[1] if e[0]=0 it ok but e[-1] and e[1] one of them must not be zero  for finding solution when we say 
(m+G'/G)=phi if you watch the result you will get G(xi)^4 this is extra in our system G(xi) must remove, is like (1+1/G') method you did before , some thing like this must remain 

@Carl Love  thank you sir i got it .

@acer  you know very importan thing, i am looking for this 1D a day  but i didn't find it  your code is mapple inpute also there is just 2D inpute 2D math i can't see 1D

@acer  now i undrestand lprint too, but is so hard to know this stuff is emazing  i have this problem most of time . thank you so much .

@mmcdara  also i mentioned the solution diff(G(xi),xi)=# in our solution i must substitute this in my solution in last formula we have just diff(G(xi),xi) but in this paper we he have G(xi) too which is a solution of this ode it is clear in paper  writed already  

@mmcdara  also don't find all parameter becuase in this ode part we have condition i founded before but becuase is not neccesary i didn't mentioned please just find thus parameter in paper mentioned V and sigma are condition i found it  in first part which i transfrom the PDE to ODE i get it from imaginary part  so i don't want make confusing for you becuase of this i didn't but i will mention the condition

@mmcdara  i want do the same like paper did factoring (m+F)=(m+G'/G) 


Previously, you solved a problem for me involving an equation like (m+1/G′)=ϕ. Your explanation was excellent, and I enjoyed learning the new method you used to solve it. Inspired by that, I attempted to apply the same technique to factor (m+G′G)=phi, but I couldn't figure it out this time.

I don’t fully understand the technique you demonstrated earlier, but I’d really appreciate it if you could explain it again. If possible, could you also provide a code implementation for this problem? Your previous explanation was incredibly clear and helpful. Thank you!

@nm that is 2 day i am stuck becuase of this my second odetest  make  a problem i knew problem is parameter becuase in a lot place have a gamma  anyway thank you so much is great it is work .

@Oliver K  but union not work but try the identical is work.

@janhardo  i want figure out by maple.

@dharr if you watch the file part in indet we have name but i remove the name instead i write down the parameter but it say is not exists how this is possible

@dharr it is easy to find all case really is a good code  @ mmcdara write the code i asked letter  for change to arbitrary parameter but he didn't response ,becuase i think  my PDE is not going to zero becuase all parameter there must be a problem i should found i am stuck becuase my pde which i transformed to ode is not going to zero have a problem with parameter but i don't know what is it no one answered untill now i think thus parameter make a problem

@janhardo have a long story 

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