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17 years, 272 days
Paris, France

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by sasomao



I want to make an overloaded function with two possible behaviours.

If the function is called with a list as parameter it shoud make something; if it's called with TWO lists as parameters, it shoud make another thing.

I tried first something like:



I work with rather long expressions, expecially fractions containing "good" functions, like power or sqrt.
They contain also some contants, over whick I made assumptions like

assume(M::real); additionally(M::positive):

It happens very frequently that when I go further in my calculations, doing simplifications for ex, I get finally expressions which still contain the constant M, but for which

has(%, M)




Some time ago I started to write my own modules.
I've a problem with a module calling an export of another one. Both have the "package" option.

The first module, Math_Tools_ex export a "diffindice" procedure. I copy here the relevant part of the code:


export diffindice, doublederivcov,Dimensione,mix, Test_Symmetry, Double_dag ;
export Coords,A,M,G, Abstraction;
global X, c, dimensione,abstraction;


I have a "trivial " question about the actual parameters evaluation when I call a procedure.

The "introductory programming guide" says:

"Note: Maple evaluates the actual parameters before they are substituted for the formal parameters ... " (Maple 12 IPG, pag 195)

I don't understand if this is a full evaluation, a one-level evaluation, or what else.

If I try something like this, in a worksheet page (all the variables are global)

f:= x->x^2;




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