
622 Reputation

7 Badges

17 years, 298 days
Paris, France

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by sasomao

Good morning, I've tried to solve this pd-eqn with pdsolve, but there is no output (not solution nor error) and the promp goes on the next row


Good morning.


I've this funny problem with maple11. I get an expression as output from a calculus, and I try to simplify it with simplify(%), but simplify don't simplify and give the same expression as result.

On the other hand, If I copy the expression and paste it as argument of simplify it work fine.

Anyone know why this happens?


Thank you


ps: the expression to simplify (in fact is more simple than a simplification: there are terms equals but with different sign to cancel togheter) is


Good mornig,

I've this expression

Hi, I've assigned first the entries of an array: Ecce:=array(1..2, [x,y]); then I would to set x:=0, y:=0 (obviously, this is for exemple, I've to do this whit very large array, so I cant do one entry at time) I've guessed Ecce[] := 0 but now Ecce[1]=0, Ecce[2]=0, x=x, y=y How I must do to assign the old entries of the array, at the next ones? Tk you S.
Hi, I've this problem with maple11; when I try to assigne the elements of any array (Tent in this case) using a procedure inside a for loop: Tent:= array(1..7); for i from 1 to 7 do Tent[i]:= proc(v) global i; christoffel[i] + v^i; end proc; end do; Maple dont understand that the 'i' inside the procedure is the same of the for loop. So after I've execute the for, i is actually 8, and if I write Tent[3](p); maple return christoffel[8]+ p^8 instead I would christoffel[3]+p^3 I've undersand that when I invoke Tent[3] (or Tent[2], etc) maple control the actual value of i (that is 8), so I think this is a problem of scope of the i variable.
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