
135 Reputation

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2 years, 26 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by segfault

The first thing I tried was repeated %a  as in your second example and I could not get it to work.

I am baffled why it now works.

But you sure showed that it does work




1/x^2+1/x^3+1/x^4+1/x^5 +1
In ascii;
                     1    1    1    1     
                     -- + -- + -- + -- + 1
                      2    3    4    5    
                     x    x    x    x     

This is in fact still unsorted, so the Maple sorting does not sort mathematically correct.

Since x assumde >0, 1/x^5 < 1/x^2< 1
In a descending sort the "1" MUST be before the 1/x^2 and not at the end after 1/x^5
The Maple sort copmmand returns a result which is not mathematically consistent with the concept of "descending".
This is clearly  misprogram or bug.

Regardless of tht, how can I construct a commnd to sort mathematically correct.?

I could not manage to construct anything to be able to cast expansions in standard  descending form for x>0.


My brain must have been severely fried when I posed the original question last night.

I apologize.

I corrected the original question.


Yes of course that is a typo.

So to sumarize, I  need a command that will convert a disordered asymtotic series (obtained from asympt) to standard form

Namely e.g.
   1+1/x+1/x^2+1/x^3+1/x^4+1/x^5+ O(1/x^6)

Thanks for the response.

In your example the "1" is out of place in F(G,x).

The "1" should be at the beginning to be in standard form.

I need to sort a random ordered expansion to an ordered one in standard form.

So, it needs to sort to standard form as the following example shows..

As an example,

if ;

G := 1/x^3+1+1/x^4+1/x^2+1/x^5+ O(1/x^6)

then some command should convert it to standard form


1+1/x+1/x^2+1/x^3+1/x^4+1/x^5+ O(1/x^6)

That is the point.

There is no example possible. as I find no command existing.

What is wrong with the simple example above ?

All I need is an operator that returns only the order of an expansion. No more no less.

@Carl Love 
After my hillarious misunderstand ing of a proposed command, Let's find the way back.
My problem is that I dont want to see the entire asymptotic or series expansion, all I want returned is the order.

This will help a lot to verify a lot of asymptotic expansions as sometimes Maple returns O(1) when a proper expansion exists. This needs to be avaoided to prevent uninttended wrong results from  correct code.

e.g. , Let's say we execute


I sthere a way to only return the order say O(18) in the case above


OperatorX(asympt(X,r,20)); returns


It will really help to quickly figure out where the Maple issue is not returning the proper asymptotic expansion.

I will go read up on "remember" option, thank you for the gret information.

I will come back with questions and will award the trophy after I confirmed this exists.


No wonder it did not work.

Never encountered s-convert. Thank you for suggesting this.
I will try it on my expansions and see whst it does.

Order operator returns an error, on series that was asymptotically expanded and is clearly asymptotic and of order O(1/r^n).
That is why I ask the question. The operator works on boiler plate asymptotic functions as is listed in this post, but not on large real world expansions.
nm 10346 presented an option which I never knew of namley, s-convert, which I will rather try and see.
Thanks for helping.

@Scot Gould 
obviously as I mention it in the original post.
But regardless.
The question is about asymptotic expansions and explicitly not about series expansion in positive exponents.

I just want to keep this open a while longer. Maybe someone comes up with a way simpler method.
If no one does, I will award you the solution. Hope you dont mind.

As mentioned I just want to see if there isn't an easier solution to this.

I mean all that Maple needs to do is spawn of the processes and collect the output.




This looks like what I need

You went way beyond helpful trying to explain this. I thank you very much.
I dont understand why Maple do not have a basic routine as follows

Parallel  do


end do;

That is what 99% of users want with parallel computing. Mostly no communication between the parallel tasks.

What you describe may be too complex for the simple parralelization that I require, and I will most likely just write a bash script that will launch a maple instance for each parallel task, if understanding the above takes too much time.
It is a great tutorial, and I will definately use it if I have inter-dependent parallel tasks. For THAT purpose your treatise above would be indispensable, so I will save a copy of this discussion, as the time will come that I have no other option but to do it the way you described.

@nm  Re "On Unix/Linux ~ should expand to your home directory automatically. I do not know why Maple does not do it. I do not use Maple on Linux. You can try "$HOME/...." instead of "~/...." and see if this makes difference to Maple."

That is exactly the problem.
How do I get maple to set the PATH automatically when I load a worksheet from a directory. To make things worse it doesnt even set the PATH if I open the file by command line from the directory.
This kind of thing is standard in modern software. Somehow Maple still live in 1922 it seems.

 I am regardless greatfull for your solution, as just setting currentdir and then using a relative path does not work at all as I noted in my original post.
Your solution with "cat" at least works.
Thank you very much

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