shimaa sadk

45 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 183 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by shimaa sadk



Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/ .



hi, I am trying to evaluate the following integrations (Note that; the values of alpha, lambda_1 and lambda_2) are random and they change with every iteration 

`λ1_B`[so] := 10.94:


W[1] := evalf[4](int(`α_B`[so]^2/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^2*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[2] := evalf[4](int(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])*ln(z)/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^2*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])^2), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[3] := evalf[4](int(1/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^2*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])^2), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[4] := evalf[4](int(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])*ln(z)^2/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^2*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])^2), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[5] := evalf[4](int(1/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^3*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[6] := evalf[4](int((z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so]))^2*ln(z)^2/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^2*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])^3), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[7] := evalf[4](int(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])*ln(z)/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^2*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])^3), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[8] := evalf[4](int(1/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^2*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])^3), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[9] := evalf[4](int(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])*ln(z)/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^3*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])^2), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[10] := evalf[4](int(1/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^4*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])), z = 1 .. infinity)); W[11] := evalf[4](int(1/((z-1+`α_B`[so])^3*(z^(`λ2_B`[so]/`λ1_B`[so])-1+`α_B`[so])^2), z = 1 .. infinity))

int(79.977249/((z+7.943)^2*(z^.1408592322+7.943)), z = 1 .. infinity)


Warning,  computation interrupted


Warning,  computation interrupted




Warning,  computation interrupted




Warning,  computation interrupted


Warning,  computation interrupted


Warning,  computation interrupted


Warning,  computation interrupted


Warning,  computation interrupted







I found that when lambda2 take a small value this integration cannot be evaluated by maple is there any command to solve this problem 


lambda1 := 0.733e-1; lambda2 := 5.3344; alpha := 4.8492

X[6] := evalf(int((Z^(lambda2/lambda1))^2*ln(Z)^2/((Z-1+alpha)^2*(Z^(lambda2/lambda1)-1+alpha)^3), Z = 1 .. infinity, numeric));





 my question is
I am working on for loop and there are multi-line inside it and I only need to show a specific result, not all that occurs inside the loop . is there any commend to do that in maple?

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