shimaa sadk

45 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 209 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by shimaa sadk

i have to list 
a := sort([.17, .23, .33, .39, .39, .40, .45, .52, .56, .59, .64, .66, .70, .76, .77, .78, .95, .97, 1.02, 1.12, 1.19, 1.24, 1.59, 1.74, 2.92])


i want to make aloop on a  by saying that for i=1 eliminate b[1] from a then sort the remining elements of a 

then for i=2 eliminate b[2] from a then sort the rest elimant of a and so on  

I kind of work on generat asample from  Adiscret uniform distribution with pdf (P(x)=1/k+1  x=0..k). 
but i couldn't insert the PDF to generate asample is there any way to insert this pdf in maple then generata asample

{R = 7.339698158, S = 2.378491488, W = 2.512047349}

if i have thes set as aresult of multibull equations by using fsolve how to say to maple assign the value of R to another parameter say X and the value of S to Y and so on ???

please help

after i tryrring to instell another vergion of maple and it failed when i reinstell the older vergion of maple i get this error 
what is missing and i did wronge 

l := (n+m+sum(a[i], i = 1 .. n)+sum(b[j], j = 1 .. m))*ln(alpha)+n*ln(lambda[1])+m*ln(lambda[2])+lambda[1]*(sum(x[i], i = 1 .. n))+lambda[2]*(sum(y[j], j = 1 .. m))-(sum((2+a[i])*ln(exp(lambda[1]*x[i])-1+alpha), i = 1 .. n))-(sum((2+b[j])*ln(exp(lambda[2]*y[j])-1+alpha), j = 1 .. m));

Error, (in property/ConvertProperty) invalid input: PropRange uses a 2nd argument, b, which is missing



suppose i have afunction F(x) and i want to draw a sample for X from F(x)

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