
165 Reputation

3 Badges

10 years, 20 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by sija


Please help me solve this type of equations, I have more of them, but there is only one in the attached file. fsolve does not work. Please help.

Best regards!


Are there any tools in Maple that allow you to find real roots of complex integral equations?

I have attached examples of such equations.

Unfortunately, I can't solve them.

Best regards.

Hello everyone,

I'm using Maple 18. I have a problem that I can't solve. It concerns the programmatic - from the Maple code level - export of animations (even single images) with good quality graphics, i.e. either high resolution or "large" size - which translates into the same. This is because Maple 18 does not have a size option in plot3d.

Even manually enlarged graphics - a bit too much, makes manual export impossible; Maple reports "..the file could not be created...". Most often, this ends with the creation of a gif file with a capacity of 0 bytes.

I am asking for help if anyone knows how to deal with this [normal export of "normal" graphics manually or with software can of course be done in Maple 18].



How to  outer loop index setup as the upper value of the inner loop index?

Hello everyone,

I wrote a very simple shooting method and I don't know why it doesn't go through the for loop.
Please help, I have no idea why it doesn't work.

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