
155 Reputation

6 Badges

12 years, 150 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by smith_alpha

Excuse me,


  I have the following input




I would like to obtain

1/(k+1)* (x2^(k+1)), k<>-1


but maple gives me just the same integral. Is there any way to get the expression?


Thank you!






  I would like to readdata from a file 

2 0.38 10 + 0. I


  I use


for i from 1 to 20 do
end do:


  The problem is, seems maple get -6, instead of 10^-6, since the .txt file puts -6 in a row. 


My question is, how to get the right data 0.38*10^-6 correctly?


P.S. I used cmaple  inputfile >  outputfile.txt to get the .txt file. Should I use writedata?





  I have a file "d:\\test.txt", the content is 


       1, 2.0000 + 0. I


then I use

for i from 1 to 1 do
end do:


it gives me


1, [1.]



If I remove the comma in the file, I could obtain 2. I do not want to do it manually that remove all commas by hand. Is there any way to skip the commas in readdata?



  I am using maple on Windows 7. I edit .mw file by maplew.exe.


  When the source code becomes long, e.g. over 2000 lines, the editing resonse starts to be slow. I can try to edit in other software, e.g. editplus. Is there any way to let maplew works faster?


Thank you!

Suppose I have installed maple on a directory in Windows 7 64 Bit. Now I use the command mode in windows, by typing maplew "D:\" > xx.txt, it doesn't work. 


Excuse me, how to run maplew on command mode?

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