
155 Reputation

6 Badges

12 years, 150 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by smith_alpha



   I have a set of linear equations in terms of Ax+B=0, where A and B are matrices.

  I used linsolve or LinearSolve to solve the equations.

   Is there any simple way to run linsolve/LinearSolve parallelly? suppose I already have matrices A and B.


Thank you very much





  I would like to a string of characters to a file. For example,


str:="hello world";
WriteFile[APPEND]("D:\\output3.txt", str);



  It doesn't work. I did not get output3.txt :(  How should I do, to write a string of characters, such as "hello world" to a file?

Thank you



  I have a loop code, such as




for i from 1 to i_max do
  blah blah blah

end do;



  I would like to clean memory, something like restart suppose to do, after each cycle. Restart could only work at top level. How should I do to clean memory after each cycle?


The question has been asked at



However, still, I would like to have a simple, straightfoward solution. The situation is not about several term case, x^a*y^b + x^(a+2)*y^b, but for a single term. I have a term "3*x^k*y^(k+2) ", and how should I do to obtain the power of x, and the power of y? (k and k+2) 


I tried the following input as somehow suggested in the link above



x_degree:=map(t -> `if`(match(t = a*x^b*y^c, x, 's1'), subs(s1,b), NULL), convert(term, list));
y_degree:=map(t -> `if`(match(t = a*x^b*y^c, y, 's1'), subs(s1,c), NULL), convert(term, list));



I got 


k (k + 2)
3 x y
[0, k, 0]
[0, 0, k + 2]
[0, k, 0], [0, 0, k + 2]


I have no idea why k appear at second variable in [0,k,0] while k+2 appear at the third in [0,0,k+2]...



  Excuse me, I have a following expression


  I want to replace all x as x+1

x:=x+1 does not work.

Is there any simple solution?


Thank you very much in advance



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