
155 Reputation

6 Badges

12 years, 302 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by smith_alpha


Thank you very much for your solution. It works now. Excuse me, I have a few questions still...

1) Is there any advantage of "PolynomialSystem" comparing with "solve"?

2) What does "%[1])[]:" in your code mean?

@Carl Love 


thanks a lot


@Carl Love  Excuse me, i have one more question. In your "%6.2e" command, .2e seems to be is to digits, say, 3.00e-6, the two zero here. What does %6 mean?


@Carl Love Thank you very much.

@acer Thank you very much! It works now!


@nm Thank you very much! It seems that "continuous" is the point

@Carl Love 


on the line above the rest of the number.. 


@Carl Love 

Thanks a lot. It would be lovely if maple improves their GUI in future.

@Alejandro Jakubi 


Thank you very much! It works now.

@Alejandro Jakubi 


Thanks. I received an error message


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> quit
memory used=0.5MB, alloc=8.3MB, time=0.09





It seems this is generated from GUI. Is there any simple way to run without removing "<xml..." manually

@Thomas Richard  Thanks. After adding "with(FileTools[Text]);" it works well.


@Carl Love Thank you very much! It works very well now!


@Carl Love Thank you so much!

@Carl Love 


Thank you very much!

@Markiyan Hirnyk  Thank you so much

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