
186 Reputation

4 Badges

18 years, 32 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by srozek

We are pleased to announce that Maple 12 is now available.  It has some very cool new features - my personal favorites include the addition of polar plots, nifty new dials and gauges, a start-up code region, and the ability to use colour in table cells.  Check out our website to find out what’s new, to watch Maple 12 movies in the new , for full details on upgrade specials and more.


We are pleased to announce that the winner of the quarterly Maple Mentor Award for Jan.-Mar. 2008 is Jacques Carette, and the recipient of March's monthly award is Prof. Alejandro Jakubi. Jacques and Alejandro will receive prizes of their choice to thank them for their involvement with the MaplePrimes community. Congratulations to our winners!

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the monthly Maple Mentors Award for February is Joe Riel. Joe will receive a prize of his choice to thank him for his involvement with the MaplePrimes community.


Stephanie Rozek chats with Fr. Mike May, from St. Louis University, during the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Diego. He discusses his work with Maple, and especially how he uses it to teach courses in cryptography. A recording of his lecture “Using Maple worksheets to enable explorations of cryptography with minimal background” follows.

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Great Application Contest. First prize is awarded to Dr. Jason Schattman, for his entry Can a Square Roll?, an exploration of the "Renaissance Man of calculus problems", the square wheel problem. The runner-up is Prof. Mario Lemelin, for his Pré-test en Mathématique, a Maple-based questionnaire that lets beginning differential calculus students test their secondary school mathematics comprehension. These and many other Maple applications can of course be viewed on the Maple Application Center. Congratulations to both!

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