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17 years, 243 days

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These are replies submitted by srozek

The semicolon is not necessary when using 2-D notation in Standard Maple. However, it may be used to separate several statements you wish to execute at once.


Actually, Doug has not yet made it out; as far as I know he's had a fairly busy schedule so far this year.  We hope to see him soon though!

Update: Doug will be visiting us mid-November.


Thanks for the suggestion, Christopher. I'll pass it on to our development team.

Best wishes,


Hi Christopher,

Thanks for the suggestion - I've passed it along to our product management team for consideration.


Hi Christopher,

Thanks for the suggestion - I've passed it along to our product management team for consideration.


Hi Paul,

I just tested this out with both Maple 12 and 13 and was able to print the page numbers ok (using View > Header/Footer and inserting page numbers under the Custom Footer tab). I'd suggest contacting tech support at this point to see why this may not be working for you.



If it's just echoing back the blue "A" then it seems you haven't actually assigned the matrix to A. Try Alec's command

A := Matrix(1000, `+`);

and then type


and you should get what you want (if I understood you correctly).

- Stephanie

If it's just echoing back the blue "A" then it seems you haven't actually assigned the matrix to A. Try Alec's command

A := Matrix(1000, `+`);

and then type


and you should get what you want (if I understood you correctly).

- Stephanie

Hi Robert,

I'm not sure of the exact reason, but sometimes you have to click twice in the boxes to get Java to accept your entry - from the problems you're finding it seems like those oracles are just calculating from the default values, and not taking whatever you enter.  Make sure you double click and can actually select and delete the box contents first, and then type in your own values.

~ Stephanie

PS I'm also also on Firefox 3.0.8, but on XP - I'll try to verify it works ok on Vista.

If he's using Maple 12, he can also try the CAD connectivity to Solidworks.  Type ?cad for information.


If he's using Maple 12, he can also try the CAD connectivity to Solidworks.  Type ?cad for information.


Hi Fay,

Joshua Holden seems to be interested in this sort of thing as well - check out his blog here.


I believe you can install a licence of Maple on 2 different computers so you should be ok to just install it on your new computer. If you have problems with this I'd suggest calling Customer Support (or your reseller if you do not live in North America).

You will get more responses if you can show what you have tried in Maple, and more details about what specifically you have problems with.  Try posting your Maple worksheet to show others where the problem arises.

We have posted new copies of the videos.  Please let me know if you encounter any further issues.

- Stephanie

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