
105 Reputation

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11 years, 133 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by sunit

Hi @Carl Love, 

Thanks a lot. You are a life saver. :)


Hi @Carl Love,

It worked. Although I had to write the procedure something like this

TransA := proc (A)

local result;

if A = I*T[0]*(omega1-2*omega2) then result := I*omega2*T[0]+I*si*T[2]

elif A = -I*T[0]*(omega1-2*omega2) then result := -I*omega2*T[0]-I*si*T[2]

elif A = (3*I)*omega2*T[0] then result := I*omega1*T[0]-I*si*T[2]

elif A = -(3*I)*omega2*T[0] then result := -I*omega1*T[0]+I*si*T[2]

elif A = I*omegar*T[0] then result := I*omega1*T[0]+I*si2*T[2]

elif A = -I*omegar*T[0] then result := -I*omega1*T[0]-I*si2*T[2]

else result := A

end if

return result

end proc

 I was hoping that irrespective of the sign of the argument in exp, as an example exp(I*(omega1-2*omega2)*T0) or exp(-I*(omega1-2*omega2)*T0), I could substitute (omega1-2*omega2)*T0=omega2*T0+sigma*T2, which will give me either exp(I*(omega2*T0+sigma*T2)) or exp(-I*(omega2*T0+sigma*T2)).

I really appreciate your help in this regard.

@rlopez Thank you so much for replying back and answering my question. However, it was just an example of the issue that I am having. The geeral expression can have exapnsion of (a+b)(c+d+e)+(a+b)^3+(a+b+d)^2+c^2. Your suggested answer only work when there is a complete square but not  in this case. It would be really great of you if you can suggest a command for  this case.

With regards


@acer Thanks a lot for helping. I had to put this command at multiple locations in code but it was worth it as 'convert(...,rational)' was little bit troublesome and was not gving me desired results. Thanks again for helping.

With Regards


@acer Thanks for helping, but it not happening at one location, it is appearing at multiple location, so do I need to put this command after every equation?

With Regards


@acer Thanks a lot for helping me out. Although I did not get whats the difference between Int or int function.

With Regards


@acer Hi,

I am really thankful to you for solving my issue.

With Regards



I am really sorry for the incomplete description and inconvenience I caused. I was mainly operating factor operation in the numerator only, however, is it possible to implement on both, i.e., on numerator and on denominator?

In my description f(x) and g(x) were just for illustration what I wanted to ask.

This command will surely work for me, so I am really thankful to you for providing the solution.

With Regards



@Carl Love Thanks a lot for the insight explanation about 'subs' and 'algsubs', but I am not getting why algsbus will fail. Even for numerical values I guess 'algsubs' will be better. I menat to say I can directly put the numercal value of an algebaric expression appearing in an equation, instead of putting the individual values of parameters in an equation.

I have one ore doubt regarding 'factor' of an equation. So do i need to put it in another post or can I ask in this post itself?

With Regards


@Carl Love Thanks a lot for the help. I really appreciate it.



@Carl Love Hi,

If you notice in the code then you will find that just before setting it to 0, i made their coeffecients equal to zero. So there will be no exp(I*omega*T0) and exp(-I*omega*T0) equal to 0. So in furhter equations there will be no terms involving  exp(I*omega*T0) and exp(-I*omega*T0). The easy way to remove the rerms is by setting exp(I*omega*T0) and exp(-I*omega*T0)=0.

@Carl Love Hi,

I just wanted to remove these terms from my equations. So this is the way i came up with.

@Carl Love


Please find the attached maple file. the function that i need to plot is trash9/trash8, with omega. I have plotted with three different ranges for omega and every time i got different plot. Its a little bit long code.

@tomleslie Hi,

As you can see that in my case matrix has symbolic entires, so its determinant will not be zero. However, i tried your suggestion but still not getting anything except trivial solution.


@Carl Love I got it. Thanks




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