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2 years, 76 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by sursumCorda

@acer Thanks. I believe that another convenient usage is to allow the user to use “x <= y <= z” in Maple input directly. Currently, “x ≤ y ≤ z” is valid only in 2-D math and “`<=`(x, y, z)” is simply parsed as “x <= (y, z)”, but in my opinion, the better choice is to enable `<=` to accept a variable number of input arguments (including the single-argument form), which means the input forms a non-decreasing sequence (rather than “_passed[1]” is less than or equal to “_rest”). (A subtler one may be something like “a <> b <> c <> d” or “`<>`(a, b, c, d)”.)

@Christian Wolinski The above instance cS(cK(cS(cI)))(cS(cK(cK))(cI))(x)(y) (which is a Maple translation to the original (S (K (S I)) (S (K KI) x y)) is taken from Combinatory logic - Wikipedia. Since the Wikipedia article only use the rules for S, K, and I, I think that the given rule-set is sufficient. (By the way, the complete (yet a bit obscure) proof steps has been listed in the small picture in this question.)

@Christian Wolinski Many thanks. The only regret is that the output is cI(y)(cI(x)) instead of the simplest y(x) (though the two form are equivalent). Besides, what about the third expression above? (It appears that Maple just hangs.)

@Christian Wolinski Thank you for your explanation. This design seems inconvenient. Anyway, is there any workaround to reduce the above three cases?

@MDD Most of the commands in the MTM package are actually encapsulations of corresponding commands in the LinearAlgebra (or linalg) package.
As for MTM:-rref,

showstat(MTM:-rref, 12):

MTM:-rref := proc(A)
local dims, ndims, r, eval_return, inplace_convert;
  12           r := LinearAlgebra:-ReducedRowEchelonForm(r)
end proc

showstat(LinearAlgebra:-ReducedRowEchelonForm, 3):

LinearAlgebra:-ReducedRowEchelonForm := proc(A::~Matrix, {inplace::truefalse := false, outputoptions::list := []})
local OO;
   3   return LUDecomposition(A,(':-method') = (':-GaussianElimination'),(':-
         output') = [':-R'],':-conjugate',_options['inplace'],
         `outputoptions[R]` = [OO])
end proc

so its algorithm is Gaussian elimination. As the documentation says, 

The selection of pivots in the GaussianElimination method differs according to the type of the Matrix entries. For Matrices with numeric entries and at least one floating-point entry, pivots are selected according to absolute magnitude. For Matrices with only exact rational or symbolic entries, pivots are selected as the first nonzero element in the current column, moving downwards from the current row.

Besides, the algorithm of linalg:-rref is said to be Gauss-Jordan elimination. (Note that there exists an undocumented `DEtools/pcolechelon`.)

In practice, MATLAB 9.13 (R2022b) is compatible with Maple 2023 (and works well in it), although the full support for corresponding versions of MatLab has not been qualified by Maplesoft so far. 
I believe that such out-dated information comes from the fact that the Matlab package is in the shadow of the Python package at present. (Note that the underlying engine of MatLab's Symbolic Math Toolbox (after 2007 or 2008) is still the "vanished" MuPAD (instead of a new product).)

@Scot Gould Many thanks. Such an evaluation strategy is quite powerful indeed! 

Calculations are performed through input that is applied spatially, not temporally. 

@Scot Gould Sorry. What does this mean? Any examples? 

@Carl Love Many thanks. Since convert(..., 'elsymfun') currently does not support arbitrary polynomials, I try to use PolynomialReduce to convert a non-symmetric polynomial into a sum and a remainder (with fixed variable ordering) (and then reconstruct the original polynomial from them). But it appears that this time none of orders works: 

P := (a - c*1)*(b - a*2)*(c - b*4):
B := [(a + b + c)**3, (a*b + b*c + c*a)*(a + b + c), a*b*c]:
PolynomialReduce(P, B, [a, b, c]);
Error, (in quo) arguments must be polynomial in c
PolynomialReduce(P, B, [a, c, b]);
Error, (in quo) arguments must be polynomial in b
PolynomialReduce(P, B, [b, a, c]);
Error, (in quo) arguments must be polynomial in c
PolynomialReduce(P, B, [b, c, a]);
Error, (in quo) arguments must be polynomial in a
PolynomialReduce(P, B, [c, a, b]);
Error, (in quo) arguments must be polynomial in b
PolynomialReduce(P, B, [c, b, a]);
Error, (in quo) arguments must be polynomial in a

@Carl Love Thanks. Another strange thing is that sometimes the output seems incorrect: 

PolynomialReduce(x^5 - x*y^6 - x*y, [x^2 + y, x^2 - y^3], [x, y]):
expand(inner([x^2 + y, x^2 - y^3], %[1]) + %[2]);
             6    3  3    5      4    3        2      
         -x y  + x  y  + x  + x y  - x  y - x y  - x y

PolynomialReduce(x^5 - x*y^6 - x*y, [x^2 + y, x^2 - y^3], [y, x]):
expand(inner([x^2 + y, x^2 - y^3], %[1]) + %[2]);
            13    7  3    9      6    3  3    5      
           x   + x  y  - x  - x y  - x  y  + x  - x y

Though the result is often not completely unique, yet I think that at least the reconstructed polynomial should equal the original one. Perhaps there exists some bug? 

@Carl Love Thanks. But I find a strange thing:

[PolynomialReduce](2*x^4 + y^3 - x^2 + y^2, [x^3 - x, y^3 - y], [x, y]);
                    [           2    2    ]
                    [[2 x, 1], x  + y  + y]

[PolynomialReduce](2*x^4 + y^3 - x^2 + y^2, [x^3 - x, y^3 - y], [y, x]);
Error, (in quo/polynom) division by zero

@Carl Love Thanks. The only regret is that this does not output the other term "[x + y, 2*(y - a)]" (although Maple may have found it in the internal).

Besides, I think that the origional function is also an extension of solve(identity(…, ...), ...) and PDEtools:-Solve(…, ..., 'independentof' = ...) when working with polynomials, since those coefficients in the second example can be easily obtained by them when a=0. But if the remainder is not zero, these two commands will not work.

@Rouben Rostamian  Six years have passed; regretfully, such convenient syntax is still not built into Maple. What is the reason?

@sand15 Thanks. Strangely, the older Eigenvals function will return the newer default LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvectors form (instead of the linalg:-eigenvectors form).

@Preben Alsholm I read it in 

showstat(`evalf/matrixexp`, 66);

`evalf/matrixexp` := proc(A)
local a, t, ss, s, i, i1, bk, p, z, n, m, j, k, l, M, N, oldD, islist, tmp;
  66   if _EnvLinalg95 = true and islist then
       end if
end proc

I believe that it is similar to: 

  1. MTM:-expm
  2. `linalg/matrixexp`
  3. linalg:-matrixexp
  4. linalg:-exponential
  5. Student:-LinearAlgebra:-MatrixExponential, and 
  6. LinearAlgebra:-MatrixExponential.

@Preben Alsholm Thanks. The problem is: If I understand right, in theory, shouldn'd setting “_EnvLinalg95 := true:” only impact on the obsolete `linalg` package (without influencing the most recent `LinearAlgebra` package)? 

The modern `LinearAlgebra` package was originally introduced in Maple 6, which was released in 2000. Twenty-three years have passed; while `LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvalues` and `LinearAlgebra:-EigenConditionNumbers` work well, the relevant `LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvectors` still has a cryptic dependency upon `_EnvLinalg95` (even if I do not “with(linalg):”). This is really weird.

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