
486 Reputation

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15 years, 347 days

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These are replies submitted by tbasket

Yes I thought the same, but my matrix M1 := matrix(10, 1, []) is small and it does not work?!?!?
Yes I thought the same, but my matrix M1 := matrix(10, 1, []) is small and it does not work?!?!?
with(LinearAlgebra); A := matrix(20, 20, []); B := matrix(20, 20, []); for n to 20 do ..... function determing values for A and B ..... end do Then I type A; but I just get a blue a and not the "summary overview" What to do?
with(LinearAlgebra); A := matrix(20, 20, []); B := matrix(20, 20, []); for n to 20 do ..... function determing values for A and B ..... end do Then I type A; but I just get a blue a and not the "summary overview" What to do?
Yes I thought the same, but it just gives me back a blue A. So do you know a comand that shows me the summary overview of the matrix A
Yes I thought the same, but it just gives me back a blue A. So do you know a comand that shows me the summary overview of the matrix A
Yes I thought the same, but it just gives me back a blue A. So do you know a comand that shows me the summary overview of the matrix A?
Yes I thought the same, but it just gives me back a blue A. So do you know a comand that shows me the summary overview of the matrix A?
Thanks! Sorry, my question was much easier. I just want to know what to do when I already have a matric A and I want to get this summary: [ 1000 x 1000 Matrix ] A := [ Data Type: anything ] [ Storage: rectangular ] [ Order: Fortran_order ] How can I get this summary?
Thanks! Sorry, my question was much easier. I just want to know what to do when I already have a matric A and I want to get this summary: [ 1000 x 1000 Matrix ] A := [ Data Type: anything ] [ Storage: rectangular ] [ Order: Fortran_order ] How can I get this summary?
> whattype(B); symbol > matrixplot(B, axes = boxed); Error, (in plots/matrixplot) invalid input: `convert/Matrix` expects its 1st argument, M, to be of type {Matrix, Vector, Array, array, list}, but received B Unfortunately it does not work. I assigned to B[n,m] n=17 and m=17 in a loop so 17*17 values....
> whattype(B); symbol > matrixplot(B, axes = boxed); Error, (in plots/matrixplot) invalid input: `convert/Matrix` expects its 1st argument, M, to be of type {Matrix, Vector, Array, array, list}, but received B Unfortunately it does not work. I assigned to B[n,m] n=17 and m=17 in a loop so 17*17 values....
Yes that can be! How to change it from a symbol to a matrix?
Yes that can be! How to change it from a symbol to a matrix?
I get symbol !
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