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14 years, 342 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by tomleslie

Just noticed that you want this evaluated for m=1..10 - soI need  a trivial additional execution group to my previous post. See the attached

ode := xi^2*(diff(psi[m](xi), xi, xi))+2*xi*(diff(psi[m](xi), xi))+(xi^2-m*(m+1))*psi[m](xi) = 0; Order := 8; dsolve(ode, psi[m](xi), series); ans := convert(%, polynom)

xi^2*(diff(diff(psi[m](xi), xi), xi))+2*xi*(diff(psi[m](xi), xi))+(xi^2-m*(m+1))*psi[m](xi) = 0


psi[m](xi) = _C1*xi^m*(series(1+(1/(-4*m-6))*xi^2+(1/((-8*m-20)*(-4*m-6)))*xi^4+(1/((-12*m-42)*(-8*m-20)*(-4*m-6)))*xi^6+O(xi^8),xi,8))+_C2*xi^(-m-1)*(series(1+(1/(m^2-(-m-1)^2+6*m-1))*xi^2+(1/((m^2-(-m-1)^2+10*m-11)*(m^2-(-m-1)^2+6*m-1)))*xi^4+(1/((m^2-(-m-1)^2+14*m-29)*(m^2-(-m-1)^2+10*m-11)*(m^2-(-m-1)^2+6*m-1)))*xi^6+O(xi^8),xi,8))


psi[m](xi) = _C1*xi^m*(1+xi^2/(-4*m-6)+xi^4/((-8*m-20)*(-4*m-6))+xi^6/((-12*m-42)*(-8*m-20)*(-4*m-6)))+_C2*xi^(-m-1)*(1+xi^2/(m^2-(-m-1)^2+6*m-1)+xi^4/((m^2-(-m-1)^2+10*m-11)*(m^2-(-m-1)^2+6*m-1))+xi^6/((m^2-(-m-1)^2+14*m-29)*(m^2-(-m-1)^2+10*m-11)*(m^2-(-m-1)^2+6*m-1)))


seq(eval(ans, m = j), j = 1 .. 10)

psi[1](xi) = _C1*xi*(1-(1/10)*xi^2+(1/280)*xi^4-(1/15120)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/2)*xi^2-(1/8)*xi^4+(1/144)*xi^6)/xi^2, psi[2](xi) = _C1*xi^2*(1-(1/14)*xi^2+(1/504)*xi^4-(1/33264)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/6)*xi^2+(1/24)*xi^4-(1/144)*xi^6)/xi^3, psi[3](xi) = _C1*xi^3*(1-(1/18)*xi^2+(1/792)*xi^4-(1/61776)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/10)*xi^2+(1/120)*xi^4+(1/720)*xi^6)/xi^4, psi[4](xi) = _C1*xi^4*(1-(1/22)*xi^2+(1/1144)*xi^4-(1/102960)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/14)*xi^2+(1/280)*xi^4+(1/5040)*xi^6)/xi^5, psi[5](xi) = _C1*xi^5*(1-(1/26)*xi^2+(1/1560)*xi^4-(1/159120)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/18)*xi^2+(1/504)*xi^4+(1/15120)*xi^6)/xi^6, psi[6](xi) = _C1*xi^6*(1-(1/30)*xi^2+(1/2040)*xi^4-(1/232560)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/22)*xi^2+(1/792)*xi^4+(1/33264)*xi^6)/xi^7, psi[7](xi) = _C1*xi^7*(1-(1/34)*xi^2+(1/2584)*xi^4-(1/325584)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/26)*xi^2+(1/1144)*xi^4+(1/61776)*xi^6)/xi^8, psi[8](xi) = _C1*xi^8*(1-(1/38)*xi^2+(1/3192)*xi^4-(1/440496)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/30)*xi^2+(1/1560)*xi^4+(1/102960)*xi^6)/xi^9, psi[9](xi) = _C1*xi^9*(1-(1/42)*xi^2+(1/3864)*xi^4-(1/579600)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/34)*xi^2+(1/2040)*xi^4+(1/159120)*xi^6)/xi^10, psi[10](xi) = _C1*xi^10*(1-(1/46)*xi^2+(1/4600)*xi^4-(1/745200)*xi^6)+_C2*(1+(1/38)*xi^2+(1/2584)*xi^4+(1/232560)*xi^6)/xi^11




This problem is (somewhat?) analogous to a Sudoku number puzzle, in that it is grid-based and there are certain constraints on what has to occur in each row and column.

There is a wonderful piece of code here (, which uses Maple's Logic:-Satisfy() command to solve "the world's hardest sudoku".

If one looks up the help for the Logic:-Satisfy() command one might get the impression that it is applicable to only rather "simple"  logical problems. However in the Application mentioned above, the author generates 17598 logical constraints to supply to the Logic:-Satisfy() command, which then solves the Sudoku puzzle in ~0.5secs.

I'm pretty sure that a similar approach, with the appropriate constraints, could be used for the OP's problem.

Do I fancy writing the necessary constraints? Not really!  I think this could turn into a rather lengthy programming exercise


but only for the labels of each point. See the attached. (Again, the plot renders better in the worksheet than it does on this site)

  theta := (2*Pi)/17:
  p1:= pointplot
       ( [ seq
           ( [cos(k*theta), sin(k*theta)],
         symbol = solidcircle,
         color = red,
         symbolsize = 10
  p2:= textplot
       ( [ seq
           ( [ cos(k*theta), sin(k*theta), cat("M", k)],
         align=["above", "right"]




In the Mapleprimes toolbar to upload the actual worksheet you are running which illustrates the problem.

the first thing you can do, is to utilise the amzing featued of this site where you can upload the worksheet which is causing you problems. This is done using the big green up-arrow in the Mapleprimes toolbar

When you cut/paste from a Maple worksheet and expect people to trawl throught it deleting all the irrelevant (output) crap - you are on a loser - opload something executable which illustrates your problem


These mean two completely different things and I'm not sure what you are after.

 p(Delta*delta)  is the function p() with the argument (delta*delta)

p*(Delta*delta)is just a simple product of three terms, and the parentheses are completely superfluous

Only you know whether you have a function definition or a simple product.


uploaded a worksheet (use the big green arrow in the Mapleprimes toolbar), it is difficult to work out exactly what your problem is. Maybe the attached will help?

# The "classic" wave equation
  we1:= diff(u(x,t), t$2)= c^2*diff(u(x,t), x$2);
# The "usual" variable transformation for the
# above
  we2:= dchange
        ( solve
          ( [ eta=x-c*t, mu=x+c*t],
          {eta, mu},
  we3:=simplify( rhs(we2)-lhs(we2)=0);
# Now solve we3

diff(diff(u(x, t), t), t) = c^2*(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x))


4*c^2*(diff(diff(u(eta, mu), eta), mu)) = 0


u(eta, mu) = _F2(eta)+_F1(mu)


# Note that one can get the same answer more or less directly

u(x, t) = _F1(c*t+x)+_F2(c*t-x)





main plot commands which provide "contours". These are





The first two of these produce contours for continuous expressions: the second two produce contours for a "grid" of discrete data. So far as I am aware, you only have data at discrete points, so you are restricted to the last two entries above. You may be able to restructure your code (slightly?) to use either of the first two, if you define a procedure whihc returns a meaningful answer for a pair of supplied variables whose ranges you provide. You (probably?) won't be able to specify the exact points which will be used in this case, since these will be determined by Maple's adaptive plotting routines.

See the attached "toy" example for usage, where I produce plots for the "same" expression using all four commands. (I haven't bothered to make these look as similar as possible by adjusting color schemes, number of contours, axes positions, etc, etc)

  f:=(x,y)-> sin(x/5*y/5);
# Produce a standard 2D contour plot of the
# above expression
  contourplot( f, -15..15, -15..15, filledregions=true);
# Produce a standard 3D contour plot of the
# above expression
  contourplot3d( f, -15..15, -15..15, filledregions=true);
# Sample the above expression on a 31 by 31 grid to a listlist
# structure and use listcontplot to generate a 2D contourplot
# of the result
  listcontplot([seq([seq( f(x,y), x=-15..15)], y=-15..15)], filledregions=true);
# Sample the above expression on a 31 by 31 grid to a listlist
# structure and use listcontplot3d to generate a 3D contourplot
# of the result
  listcontplot3d([seq([seq( f(x,y), x=-15..15)], y=-15..15)], filledregions=true);

proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; sin((1/25)*x*y) end proc










generate 3 lists each of which has 21 entries so plot axes will be 1..3 nd 1..21. If this isn't clear enough consider the attached "toy" example from the listcontplot help pags



  # there are 31 lists with 31 entries, so both axes
  # will run from 1 to 31.
    listcontplot([seq([seq( sin(x/5*y/5), x=-15..15)], y=-15..15)]);


  # there are 11 lists with 31 entries, so one axis
  # will be 1..11 and the other will be 1..31
    listcontplot([seq([seq( sin(x/5*y/5), x=-15..15)], y=-5..5)]);


  # there are 11 lists with 7 entries, so one axis
  # will be 1..11 and the other will be 1..71
    listcontplot([seq([seq( sin(x/5*y/5), x=-3..3)], y=-5..5)]);





have I seen code with so many basic logical, mathematical and syntactical errors.

In the attached I attempted to list these and suggest corrections based on what I guessed to be your intention, but eventually I had to give up.

So for what it is worth

# OP's attempt at code
#     with(PDEtools):L:=2:
#     PDEtools[declare](theta(r, z), prime = r, prime = z);
#     PDEtools[declare](sigma(r, z), prime = r, prime = z);
# Problems:
# 1. Why load the PDEtools package and the use the longform
#    calling sequence PDEtools[declare]() ?
# 2. 'prime' notation can only be used for functions of one
#    variable. If I were to write g'(x,y), with respect to
#    which variable has the differentiation been performed?
# Since OP obviously does not understand clever notation, or
# how to use it, probably safest not to bother with it, in
# which case the above attempt at code becomes

# OP's next attempt at code
#      theta(r, z):=sum((p^i)*theta[i](r, z),i=0..L):  
#      sigma(r, z):=sum((p^i)*sigma[i](r, z),i=0..L);
# Problems:
# 1. *Never* use an indexed variable, and an unindexed variable
#    with the saem name. For exampl theta[i](r,z) in the above
#    defines the i-th entry in a table named theta: Is the theta
#    on the left-hand side of this assignment the same table? Or
#    maybe something "different. This confuses me, and it confuses
#    Maple
# 2. Don't use sum() when you should be using add()
# Fix the above attempt at code - note the capitalization on
# the left-hand side of the assignments to avoid the name clash
# described in (1) aabove
  Theta(r, z):= add((p^i)*theta[i](r, z), i=0..L);
  Sigma(r, z):= add((p^i)*sigma[i](r, z), i=0..L);

theta[0](r, z)+p*theta[1](r, z)+p^2*theta[2](r, z)


sigma[0](r, z)+p*sigma[1](r, z)+p^2*sigma[2](r, z)


# OP's next attempt at code
# HO1:=(1-p)*(diff(theta(r, z),r,r))+p*(((1/r)*(diff(theta(r, z),r))+Nb*((diff(theta(r, z),r))*diff(sigma(r, z),r))+Nt*(diff(theta(r, z),r)^2))):
# expand(%):
# collect(%,p):
# HO2:=(1-p)*(diff(sigma(r, z),r,r))+p*(((1/r)*(diff(sigma(r, z),r))+(Nt/Nb)*((diff(delta(r, z),r,r))+(1/r)*diff(delta(r, z),r)))):
# expand(%):
# collect(%,p):
# Problems.
# 1. All instances of 'theta(r,z) and 'sigma(r,z) in the above will
#    have to be replaced with 'Theta(r,z) and 'Sigma(r,z)' for reasons
#    described in the comments of the preceding execution group
# 2. The expand() and collect() function in the above are pointless.
#    Their output is not assigned to anything and so cannot be
#    subsequently called by anything.
# 3. OP has two equations, but even after collecting coefficients of
#    powers of 'p' later ther will be *three* dependent variables.
#    This is not going to end well, but leave it for now!
#    Where did delta(r,z) come from?
  HO1:=(1-p)*(diff(Theta(r, z),r,r))+p*(((1/r)*(diff(Theta(r, z),r))+Nb*((diff(Theta(r, z),r))*diff(Sigma(r, z),r))+Nt*(diff(Theta(r, z),r)^2)));
  HO2:=(1-p)*(diff(Sigma(r, z),r,r))+p*(((1/r)*(diff(Sigma(r, z),r))+(Nt/Nb)*((diff(delta(r, z),r,r))+(1/r)*diff(delta(r, z),r))));

(1-p)*(diff(diff(theta[0](r, z), r), r)+p*(diff(diff(theta[1](r, z), r), r))+p^2*(diff(diff(theta[2](r, z), r), r)))+p*((diff(theta[0](r, z), r)+p*(diff(theta[1](r, z), r))+p^2*(diff(theta[2](r, z), r)))/r+Nb*(diff(theta[0](r, z), r)+p*(diff(theta[1](r, z), r))+p^2*(diff(theta[2](r, z), r)))*(diff(sigma[0](r, z), r)+p*(diff(sigma[1](r, z), r))+p^2*(diff(sigma[2](r, z), r)))+Nt*(diff(theta[0](r, z), r)+p*(diff(theta[1](r, z), r))+p^2*(diff(theta[2](r, z), r)))^2)


(1-p)*(diff(diff(sigma[0](r, z), r), r)+p*(diff(diff(sigma[1](r, z), r), r))+p^2*(diff(diff(sigma[2](r, z), r), r)))+p*((diff(sigma[0](r, z), r)+p*(diff(sigma[1](r, z), r))+p^2*(diff(sigma[2](r, z), r)))/r+Nt*(diff(diff(delta(r, z), r), r)+(diff(delta(r, z), r))/r)/Nb)



# OP's next code attempt
#     for i from 0 to L+1 do equa[1][i]:=coeff(HO1,p,i)=0 end  do:
#     for i from 0 to L+1 do equa[2][i]:=coeff(HO2,p,i)=0 end  do:
# Questions
# 1. Why use two 'for' loops when one will suffice?
# 2. Why use indexed variable on the left-hand-side
#    of these assignments when there is no need. This
#    just makes "notation" even more confusing
  for i from 0 to L+1 do
  end  do;

diff(diff(theta[0](r, z), r), r) = 0


diff(diff(sigma[0](r, z), r), r) = 0


diff(diff(theta[1](r, z), r), r)-(diff(diff(theta[0](r, z), r), r))+(diff(theta[0](r, z), r))/r+Nb*(diff(theta[0](r, z), r))*(diff(sigma[0](r, z), r))+Nt*(diff(theta[0](r, z), r))^2 = 0


diff(diff(sigma[1](r, z), r), r)-(diff(diff(sigma[0](r, z), r), r))+(diff(sigma[0](r, z), r))/r+Nt*(diff(diff(delta(r, z), r), r)+(diff(delta(r, z), r))/r)/Nb = 0


diff(diff(theta[2](r, z), r), r)-(diff(diff(theta[1](r, z), r), r))+(diff(theta[1](r, z), r))/r+Nb*(diff(theta[0](r, z), r))*(diff(sigma[1](r, z), r))+Nb*(diff(theta[1](r, z), r))*(diff(sigma[0](r, z), r))+2*Nt*(diff(theta[0](r, z), r))*(diff(theta[1](r, z), r)) = 0


diff(diff(sigma[2](r, z), r), r)-(diff(diff(sigma[1](r, z), r), r))+(diff(sigma[1](r, z), r))/r = 0


-(diff(diff(theta[2](r, z), r), r))+(diff(theta[2](r, z), r))/r+Nb*(diff(theta[0](r, z), r))*(diff(sigma[2](r, z), r))+Nb*(diff(theta[1](r, z), r))*(diff(sigma[1](r, z), r))+Nb*(diff(theta[2](r, z), r))*(diff(sigma[0](r, z), r))+Nt*(2*(diff(theta[0](r, z), r))*(diff(theta[2](r, z), r))+(diff(theta[1](r, z), r))^2) = 0


-(diff(diff(sigma[2](r, z), r), r))+(diff(sigma[2](r, z), r))/r = 0


# OP's next code attempt, even more hilarious
#    con[1][0]:=theta(r,z)[0](h(z),0)=0,(D(theta(r,z)[0]))(0,0)=0:
#    con[2][0]:=sigma(r,z)[0](h(z),0)=0,(D(sigma(r,z)[0]))(0,0)=0:
#    for j from 1 to L do:
#         con[1][j]:=theta(r,z)[j](h(z),0)=0,(D(theta(r,z)[j]))(0)=0:
#         con[2][j]:=sigma(r,z)[j](h(z),0)=0,(D(sigma(r,z)[j]))(0)=0:
#    end do;
# Problems
# 1. There are no functions theta(r,z)[0] or sigma(r,z)[0], these
#    should presumably be theta[0](r,z) and sigma[0](r,z)
# 2. The correction in (1) above shows just how preposterous
#    the original definition is because then we would have
#    theta[0](r,z)(h(z), 0) - which is a "sensible" function
#    isn't it!!!
# 3. The derivative conditions above have the same inept function
#    definition. Furthermore the 'D' operator has no indication
#    of which independent variable differetniation is with respect
#    to. In the corrected code below I have assume that it is the
#    first variable
# 4. Why is the case j=0 treated separately from the others? There
#    seems to be no reason! Just run the loop from 0 to L.
# 5. Why the unnecessary indexing on the left hand side of the
#    assignements - again just to make the notation as confusing
#    as possible?
  for j from 0 to L do
      con1[j]:= theta[j](h(z),0)=0, D[1](theta[j])(0,0)=0:
      con2[j]:= sigma[j](h(z),0)=0, D[1](sigma[j])(0,0)=0:
  end do;

theta[0](h(z), 0) = 0, (D[1](theta[0]))(0, 0) = 0


sigma[0](h(z), 0) = 0, (D[1](sigma[0]))(0, 0) = 0


theta[1](h(z), 0) = 0, (D[1](theta[1]))(0, 0) = 0


sigma[1](h(z), 0) = 0, (D[1](sigma[1]))(0, 0) = 0


theta[2](h(z), 0) = 0, (D[1](theta[2]))(0, 0) = 0


sigma[2](h(z), 0) = 0, (D[1](sigma[2]))(0, 0) = 0


# This is when I lost the will to live
#       for i from 0 to L do:
#           dsolve({equa[1][i],con[1][i]},delta(r,z)[i](r)):
#           delta(r,z)[i](r):=rhs(%);
#           delta(r,z)[i](r):=evalf(%);
#           dsolve({equa[2][i],con[2][i]},sigma(r,z)[i](r)):
#           sigma(r,z)[i](r):=rhs(%);
#           sigma(r,z)[i](r):=evalf(%);
#       end do;
# There are so many errors (logical and syntactical) in the
# above that I don't even know where to start
# 1. What does this delta(r,z)[i](r) mean? A function
#    theta() which takes two variables (r,z) which returns an
#    indexable quantity 'delta(r,z)[i]' which in trurn is a function
#    function accepting the single variable r ????
# 2. Ditto for the gobbledegook sigma(r,z)[i](r).
# 3. So the OP apparently wants to solve differential equations
#    for functions whihc do not exist in the differetnial equations
# More out of idle curiosity rather than anything else. what is
# the system to be solved first time the loop executes (ie i=0)
  eval( [equa1[0], con1[0]], i=0);
# And dsolve() will Error on this because of the invalid boundary
# condition involving the unknown function h(z)
# Check the other equation
  eval( [equa2[0], con2[0]], i=0);
# dsolve() will error on this for the same reason as above

[diff(diff(theta[0](r, z), r), r) = 0, theta[0](h(z), 0) = 0, (D[1](theta[0]))(0, 0) = 0]


Error, (in dsolve) unexpected occurrence of the variables {z} in the 1st operand of theta[0](h(z),0) in the given initial conditions


[diff(diff(sigma[0](r, z), r), r) = 0, sigma[0](h(z), 0) = 0, (D[1](sigma[0]))(0, 0) = 0]






your latest post very carefully, I now have absolutely no idea what you are trying to achieve.

The secret to getting a sensible answer is to ask a sensible question


I get the same error as you do in Maple 2021. Looks like a bug that has been fixed


why do I have repeated values for j and u? And how can solve this problem without using Makeunique function.

Thhis is because the loop system I set up treats 'u' and 'j' as independent variables, so in the worksheet I provided initially, the command

 ans1:= CodeTools:-Usage(Array([seq(seq( [j, doCalc(j,u)], j=-2..0, 2), u =1..334,333)])):

sets u=1, then does the calculation for j=-2 and 0, the sets u=334 amd does the calculation for j=-2 and 0. It is still not clear to me what you actually want to achieve, unless 'j' is not an independent variable, but is in fact a simple function 'u'. One possibility is shown in the attached where as u varies from 1..334, j varies from -2..0, according to j=-2.0+(u-1)/334.

(In the attached, purely to save execution time I do this calculation with 'u' varying in steps of 33. If you want to do this caclulation ffor all u-values from 1..334, then just change 'ustep' to 1


I also want to do contourplot for u vs j for complex values of p_min. 

So far as I can tell all returned "values" of p_min are expressions containing the variables 'x' and 't'. Maybe some of these expression will be complex for somevlaues of 'x' and 't', and maybe not. Since I have absoutely no idea what values of 'x' and 't' you paln on using, I haven't really considered this question further


  doCalc:= proc( xi , u)  #u is the \bar(H): normalize magnetic field magnitude,
                          # where H = bar(H)*H__a
                 # Import Packages
                 uses ArrayTools, Student:-Calculus1, LinearAlgebra,
                      ListTools, RootFinding, plots, ListTools:
                 local gamma__1:= .1093,
                       alpha__3:= -0.1104e-2,
                       k__1:= 6*10^(-12),
                       d:= 0.2e-3,
                       theta0:= 0.1e-3,
                       eta__1:= 0.240e-1, chi:= 1.219*10^(-6),
                       alpha:= 1-alpha__3^2/(gamma__1*eta__1),
                       theta_init:= theta0*sin(Pi*z/d),
                       H__a:= Pi*sqrt(k__1/chi)/d,
                       H := u*H__a,     
                       c:=alpha__3*xi*alpha/(eta__1*(4*k__1*q^2/d^2-alpha__3*xi/eta__1 - chi*H^2)),
                       w := chi*H^2*eta__1*alpha/(4*k__1*q^2/d^2-alpha__3*xi/eta__1 - chi*H^2),
                       n:= 20,
                       g, f, b1, b2, qstar, OddAsymptotes, ModifiedOddAsym,
                       qstarTemporary, indexOfqstar2, qstar2, AreThereComplexRoots,
                       soln1, soln2, qcomplex1, qcomplex2, gg, qq, m, pp, j, i,
                       AllAsymptotes, p, Efun, b, aa, F, A, B, Ainv, r, theta_sol, v, Vfun, v_sol,minp,nstar;

# Assign g for q and plot g, Set q as a complex and Compute the Special Asymptotes

                 g:= q-(1-alpha)*tan(q)- (w*q + c)*tan(q):
                 f:= subs(q = x+I*y, g):
                 b1:= evalc(Re(f)) = 0:
                 b2:= evalc(Im(f)) = 0:
                 qstar:= (fsolve(1/c = 0, q = 0 .. infinity)):
                 OddAsymptotes:= Vector[row]([seq(evalf(1/2*(2*j + 1)*Pi), j = 0 .. n)]);

# Compute Odd asymptote

                 ModifiedOddAsym:= abs(`-`~(OddAsymptotes, qstar));
                 qstarTemporary:= min(ModifiedOddAsym);
                 indexOfqstar2:= SearchAll(qstarTemporary, ModifiedOddAsym);
                 qstar2:= OddAsymptotes(indexOfqstar2);

# Compute Odd asymptote

                 AreThereComplexRoots:= type(true, 'truefalse');
                      soln1:= fsolve({b1, b2}, {x = min(qstar2, qstar) .. max(qstar2, qstar), y = 0 .. infinity});
                      soln2:= fsolve({b1, b2}, {x = min(qstar2, qstar) .. max(qstar2, qstar), y = -infinity .. 0});
                      qcomplex1:= subs(soln1, x+I*y);
                      qcomplex2:= subs(soln2, x+I*y);
                       AreThereComplexRoots:= type(FAIL, 'truefalse');
                 end try;

# Compute the rest of the Roots

                 OddAsymptotes:= Vector[row]([seq(evalf((1/2)*(2*j+1)*Pi), j = 0 .. n)]);
                 AllAsymptotes:= sort(Vector[row]([OddAsymptotes, qstar]));
                 if   AreThereComplexRoots
                 then gg:= [ qcomplex1,
                             op(Roots(g, q = 0.1e-3 .. AllAsymptotes[1])),
                             seq(op(Roots(g, q = AllAsymptotes[i] .. AllAsymptotes[i+1])), i = 1 .. n)
                 elif not AreThereComplexRoots
                 then gg:= [ op(Roots(g, q = 0.1e-3 .. AllAsymptotes[1])),
                             seq(op(Roots(g, q = AllAsymptotes[i] .. AllAsymptotes[i+1])), i = 1 .. n)
                 end if:

# Remove the repeated roots if any & Redefine n

                 qq:= MakeUnique(gg):
                 m:= numelems(qq):

## Compute the `τ_n`time constants

                 for i to m do
                 p[i] := gamma__1*alpha/(4*k__1*qq[i]^2/d^2 - alpha__3*xi/eta__1- chi*H^2):
                 end do:

## Compute θ_n from initial conditions

                for i to m do
                Efun[i] := cos(qq[i]-2*qq[i]*z/d)-cos(qq[i]):
                end do:

## Compute integral coefficients for off-diagonal elements θ_n matrix

                printlevel := 2:
                for i to m do
                    for j from i+1 to m do
                        b[i, j] := int(Efun[i]*Efun[j], z = 0 .. d):
                        b[j, i] := b[i, j]:
                        aa[i, j] := b[i, j]:
                        aa[j, i] := b[j, i]:
                    end do :
                end do:

## Calculate integral coefficients for diagonal elements in theta_n matrix

                for i to m do
                aa[i, i] := int(Efun[i]^2, z = 0 .. d):
                end do:

## Calculate integrals for RHS vector

               for i to m do
               F[i] := int(theta_init*Efun[i], z = 0 .. d):
               end do:

## Create matrix A and RHS vector B

               A := Matrix([seq([seq(aa[i, j], i = 1 .. m)], j = 1 .. m)]):
               B := Vector([seq(F[i], i = 1 .. m)]):

## Calculate inverse of A and solve A*x=B

              Ainv := 1/A:
              r := MatrixVectorMultiply(Ainv, B):

## Define Theta(z,t)
             theta_sol := add(r[i]*Efun[i]*exp(-t/p[i]), i = 1 .. m):

## Compute v_n for n times constant

             for i to m do
             v[i] := (-2*k__1*alpha__3*qq[i])*(1/(d^2*eta__1*alpha*gamma__1))+ alpha__3^2*xi/(2*(eta__1)^2*qq[i]*alpha*gamma__1)+xi/(2*eta__1*qq[i]) + alpha__3*chi*H^2/(2*eta__1*qq[i]*gamma__1*alpha):
             end do:

## Compute v(z,t) from initial conditions
             for i to m do
             Vfun[i] := d*sin(qq[i]-2*qq[i]*z/d)+(2*z-d)*sin(qq[i]):
             end do:

## Define v(z,t)
             v_sol := add(v[i]*r[i]*Vfun[i]*exp(-t/p[i]), i = 1 .. m):

             minp:=min( seq( Re(p[i]), i=1..m) ):
             member(min(seq( Re(p[i]), i=1..m)),[seq( Re(p[i]), i=1..m)],'nstar'):

## Return all the plots
                 return theta_init, theta_sol, v_sol, minp, eval(p), nstar, p[nstar], g, H, H__a;
                 end proc:

# Run the calculation for supplied value of 'xi'

# Put the returned quantities in a simple list

ans:=[doCalc(-0.06, 0.001)]:
ans1:=[doCalc(0.06, 0.001)]:






d:= 0.2e-3:

## director Plot negative activity
display( plot(ans[1], z=0..d, color = green),
         plot([seq(eval(ans[2], t = j), j in [seq(.1*j, j = 1 .. 5)])], z=0..d, legendstyle = [font                 = ["ROMAN", 12],location = right], labeldirections = ["horizontal", "vertical"]),                     axis[1]=[tickmarks=[0="0", 0.00005="50", 0.00010="100", 0.00015="150", 0.00020=                         "200"]], axis[2]=[tickmarks=[0="0", 0.00002="2e-05", 0.00004="4e-05", 0.00006=                     "6e-05", 0.00008= "8e-05", 0.0001="1e-04"]], axes=boxed, labels =[typeset(z," (`μm`)                     "), typeset(theta(z, t)," (degrees)")], labelfont = ["TimesNewRoman", 14],                             axesfont = [14, 14]);

## director angle Plot postive activity
display( plot(ans1[1], z=0..d, color = green, legend = theta[0]),
         plot([seq(eval(ans1[2], t = j), j in [seq(.1*j, j = 1 .. 5)])], z=0..d, legend = [t[1] =                  .2, t[2] = .4, t[3] = .6, t[4] = .8, t[5] = 1.0], legendstyle = [font = ["ROMAN", 12],                location = right], labeldirections = ["horizontal", "vertical"]), axis[1]=[tickmarks=                [0="0", 0.00005="50", 0.00010="100", 0.00015="150", 0.00020="200"]], axis[2]=                        [tickmarks=[0="0", 0.00002="2e-05", 0.00004="4e-05", 0.00006="6e-05", 0.00008=                       "8e-05", 0.0001="1e-04"]], axes=boxed, labels =[typeset(z," (`μm`)"), typeset(theta(z, t)," (degrees)")], labelfont =["TimesNewRoman", 14], axesfont = [14, 14]);

## v Plot negative activity
plt2:= plot([seq(eval(ans[3], t = j), j in [seq(.2*j, j = 1 .. 5)])], z = 0 .. d, legendstyle = [font = ["ROMAN", 12],                location = right], labeldirections = ["horizontal", "vertical"]):

display( plt2, axis[1]=[tickmarks=[0="0", 0.00005="50", 0.00010="100", 0.00015="150", 0.00020="200"]          ], axes=boxed, labels =[typeset(z," (`μm`)"), typeset(v(z, t)," (m/s)")], labelfont = ["TimesNewRoman", 14], axesfont = [14, 14]);
## v Plot postive activity
plt21:= plot([seq(eval(ans1[3], t = j), j in [seq(.2*j, j = 1 .. 5)])], z = 0 .. d, legend = [t[1] =                .2, t[2] = .4, t[3] = .6, t[4] = .8, t[5] = 1.0], legendstyle = [font = ["ROMAN", 12],                location = right], labeldirections = ["horizontal", "vertical"]):

display( plt21,axis[1]=[tickmarks=[0="0", 0.00005="50", 0.00010="100", 0.00015="150", 0.00020="200"]          ], axes=boxed, labels =[typeset(z," (`μm`)"), typeset(v(z, t)," (m/s)")], labelfont = ["TimesNewRoman", 14], axesfont = [14, 14]);


Error, missing operator or `;`


# q plot


plot(ans[8], q=0..5*Pi,view=[DEFAULT,-10..10], labels =[q, r(q)], labelfont = ["TimesNewRoman", 14], labeldirections = ["horizontal", "vertical"] );


# p values


table( [( 1 ) = -13.88378137-65.82711280*I, ( 2 ) = -13.88378137+65.82711280*I, ( 3 ) = 10.67051633, ( 4 ) = 3.198773762, ( 5 ) = 1.566666433, ( 6 ) = .9327425647, ( 7 ) = .6194882059, ( 9 ) = .3307289368, ( 8 ) = .4415527478, ( 11 ) = .2054822445, ( 10 ) = .2570092031, ( 13 ) = .1399934044, ( 12 ) = .1680476193, ( 15 ) = .1014876810, ( 14 ) = .1184258882, ( 18 ) = 0.6788038186e-1, ( 19 ) = 0.6033276905e-1, ( 16 ) = 0.8794198385e-1, ( 17 ) = 0.7693928692e-1, ( 20 ) = 0.5397792362e-1, ( 21 ) = 0.4857705137e-1 ] )


 # Director angle plot for at d/2 as a funtion of time

theta_f := subs(z=d/2, Re(ans[2])):
plot(theta_f, t=0..1000, view=[DEFAULT, DEFAULT], labels =[typeset(t," (seconds)"), typeset(theta('d/2', t),"(rad)")], labelfont = ["TimesNewRoman", 14], axesfont = [14, 14], labeldirections = ["horizontal", "vertical"], axes=boxed);

theta_f := subs(z=d/2, ans1[2]):
plot(theta_f, t=0..1, NULLview=[DEFAULT,DEFAULT], labels =[typeset(t," (seconds)"), typeset(theta('d/2', t),"(rad)")], labelfont = ["TimesNewRoman", 14], axesfont = [14, 14], labeldirections = ["horizontal", "vertical"], axes=boxed);



#Convert and store xi and doCalc into an array
  #ans1:= Array([seq( [j, doCalc(j)], j=-2..0, 0.006)]):
 ans1:= CodeTools:-Usage(Array([seq([-2.0+(u-1)/334, u, doCalc(-2.0+(u-1)/334, u)], u =1..334, ustep)])):

memory used=4.32GiB, alloc change=32.00MiB, cpu time=47.36s, real time=43.19s, gc time=5.96s




p_min:= convert(ans1[..,5],list):
indets~(p_min, name);
j_value := convert(ans1[..,1],list);
u_value := convert(ans1[..,2],list);
# plot( convert(ans1[..,1],list), p_min/30)
eval(p_min[1], [z=1, t=1]);

[{t, z}, {t, z}, {t, z}, {t, z}, {t, z}, {t, z}, {t, z}, {t, z}, {t, z}, {t, z}, {t, z}]


[-2.000000000, -1.901197605, -1.802395210, -1.703592814, -1.604790419, -1.505988024, -1.407185629, -1.308383234, -1.209580838, -1.110778443, -1.011976048]


[1, 34, 67, 100, 133, 166, 199, 232, 265, 298, 331]




## please why do I have repeated values for j and u? And how can solve this problem without using Makeunique function.

## I also want to do contourplot for u vs j for complex values of p_min.



You further state


This appears to work for me, see the attached. It may be a version issue: I'm running Maple 2022, wh8hc Maple version are you running?


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2022.0, Windows 7, March 8 2022 Build ID 1599809`






because obviously the attached, using Maple's inbult numeric solvers, just *works"

So why do anything else?

However if you do (for some strange reason)  wabt to use the "differential transformation method", then I would mak the following observations

  1. I know nothing about the differential transformation method
  2. It appears to be related to "power series" solution methods. In fact there appears to be some controversy, in the online literature  as to whether it is actually different from a Taylor series method, or is simply a disguised variant.
  3. The one thing that *all power series*  methods share is that they rely on a power series expansion about a single point. So they are appropriate for initial-value problems, where all  (so-called) boundary conditions refer to a single point - in other word they are not "boundary conditions", they are in fact "initial conditions"
  4. Your problem has boundary conditions defined at eta=0 and eta=infinity - so about which of these points do you wish to perform a power series expansion?
  5. I have no doubt that some here will suggest that I convert the OP's  boundary-value problem to an intial-value problem using the shooting method. Definitely possible, but I am seriously reluctant to do this when one of the boundaries is "infinity"

  eqn1 := diff(f(eta), `$`(eta, 3))+f(eta)*(diff(f(eta), `$`(eta, 2)))-(diff(f(eta), eta))^2-lambda*(diff(f(eta), eta)) = 0:
  eqn2 := diff(theta(eta), `$`(eta, 2))+f(eta)*(diff(theta(eta), eta))*Pr = 0:
  Bcs := (D(f))(0) = 1, f(0) = 0, (D(f))(infinity) = 0, theta(0) = 1, theta(infinity) = 0:
  params:=[lambda = .5, Pr = 6.3, infinity=10]:
  sol:=dsolve( eval([eqn1, eqn2, Bcs], params), numeric):
  plots:-odeplot( sol,
                  [ [ eta, f(eta) ],
                    [ eta, theta(eta) ]
                  color=[red, blue]





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