
15 Reputation

4 Badges

12 years, 106 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by vineetloya

@Joe Riel 


Hey Joe,


Thank you for replying. Please find attached a sample file. Also I am pasting the exact content.


> restart;
> with(StringTools);
> S := [diff(x(t), t) = y(t), diff(y(t), t) = x(t)^2];
              [ d                d             2]
              [--- x(t) = y(t), --- y(t) = x(t) ]
              [ dt               dt             ]
> qwv := x(t), y(t);
> PDEtools:-declare(qwv, prime = t);
                x(t) will now be displayed as x
                y(t) will now be displayed as y
derivatives with respect to t of functions of one variable will

   now be displayed with '
> S; lprint(%);
              [ d                d             2]
              [--- x(t) = y(t), --- y(t) = x(t) ]
              [ dt               dt             ]
[diff(x(t), t) = y(t), diff(y(t), t) = x(t)^2]
> sprintf("%a & %a", S[1], S[2]);
 #Note that I want the eqn in form: x'=y & y'=x^2
         "diff(x(t),t) = y(t) & diff(y(t),t) = x(t)^2"
> Q := convert(S[1], string);
                     "diff(x(t),t) = y(t)"
> sprintf("%s", Q);
                     "diff(x(t),t) = y(t)"
#I have tried different approaches to print the output in the required format into a text file. The other problem is when I write "&", Maple convert it into "&".


I appreciate your help.


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