
495 Reputation

8 Badges

4 years, 124 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by vs140580

Can someone give me an example for using

linear regressor function from deep learning package

By passing one dependent variable say Y

And a set of independent variables say X

As a matrix say 

Can we be able to split data into train and test and use this linear regressor command on train and do validation

As I am not able to see some examples on the implementations using command kind help 

Hope the resolution of the images which come via Plot3d and plot commands are atleast 300 dpi

If not how to make them

Convert a table in a form 


Table can have more elements in a similar form at (1,2) and (2,1) position 

In the new matrix converted

We should get a square matrix

With at (2,4) and (4,2) position 


Similarly at (1,2) and (2,1) position 1.44940000

And so on 

Remember a square matrix and it is symmetric 

Fix a plot output image size to a certain big size instead of going to each plot and then trying to maginify it where output runs through pages.

How to insert pagebreak using code itself where I want as i run code 

As if I get more lines of output difficut to run through output give ctrl+Enter each place later 

Kind help

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