
13065 Reputation

20 Badges

9 years, 18 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by vv





%add(%add(1, i = 1 .. j), j = 1 .. 4)



Error, (in value) unable to execute add


It seems that the inner add is evaluated prematurely.


eval(subs(%add=add, S));  # ok



subs[eval](%add=add, S);  # ?

Error, unable to execute add




A strange fact about filenames. 
Some  filenames containing the "%" character cannot be loaded by Maple.  E.g.  "%add.mw"  or "xx%abyy.mw".  But "xx%yy.mw" is OK.
This happens in Windows, but I suspect that it is not OS related.  It seems that Maple is trying to do some hex manipulations with the filename.


A simple (?)  int and too many levels of recursion


J := Int(cos(2*x)/(1+2*sin(3*x)^2), x = 0 .. Pi);

Int(cos(2*x)/(1+2*sin(3*x)^2), x = 0 .. Pi)






Error, (in csgn) too many levels of recursion




The workaround I know (for J = 0) it is not very simple.
Can you find an easy one?



Download int-too-many-levels-of-recursion.mw

Executing the entire worksheet several times I obtain random results for Threads:-Seq


f:= (a,b) -> add(evalf(j), j=a..b);



proc (a, b) options operator, arrow; add(evalf(j), j = a .. b) end proc


seq(f(k*N/4+1,(k+1)*N/4), k=0..3);

31375., 93875., 156375., 218875.


Threads:-Seq(f(k*N/4+1,(k+1)*N/4), k=0..3);

31218.+j, 93875., 156375., 218875.


Threads:-Seq(f(k*N/4+1,(k+1)*N/4), k=0..3);

31375., 93875., 156375., 218875.


Threads:-Seq(f(k*N/4+1,(k+1)*N/4), k=0..3);

31900., 94170., 156375., 218875.



Download threads!.mw

It seems that the forum activity of the user  Markiyan Hirnyk   is no longer accessible.
Is it a site problem?


{x+y = 10, x^2-y^2+z^2 = 1}


isolve(sys, n);

{x = -(1/20)*(1+20*n)^2+101/20, y = (1/20)*(1+20*n)^2+99/20, z = 1+20*n}


_SolutionsMayBeLost;  # It was set in Maple 10 or so!  E.g. x=5,y=5,z=-1 is not found.



# Workaround


[{x = -y+10}, {z^2-20*y+99}]


S:=isolve(yz[2], n);

{y = 20*n^2-38*n+23, z = 19-20*n}, {y = 20*n^2-22*n+11, z = 11-20*n}, {y = 20*n^2-18*n+9, z = 9-20*n}, {y = 20*n^2-2*n+5, z = 1-20*n}


map(u -> ( u union eval(yz[1],u) ), [S])[];  # The correct solution

{x = -20*n^2+38*n-13, y = 20*n^2-38*n+23, z = 19-20*n}, {x = -20*n^2+22*n-1, y = 20*n^2-22*n+11, z = 11-20*n}, {x = -20*n^2+18*n+1, y = 20*n^2-18*n+9, z = 9-20*n}, {x = -20*n^2+2*n+5, y = 20*n^2-2*n+5, z = 1-20*n}



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