
110 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 47 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by weidade37211

I am doing this plot

loglogplot((.45*exp(-0.5e-1*t)+.1*exp(-.1*t))/exp(-0.5e-1*t), t = 1.4*10^4 .. 1.52*10^4);

and I got this weird abrupt change at some point: (please see the attached maple file)


I guess it is due to how Maple implement those very large/small numbers.. Any thoughts?


Please see the attached.

NLPSolve('f(x,y,'g(x,y)')', x=0..1,y=0..1) is not working...


I am not sure why I cannot do: plot3d([f(x,y,'g(x, y)')], x=0..1,y=0..1).

And the use of single quote in Maple 2019 and 2017 are giving different results. that is, the plot (note, not plot3d) results in the attched script by Maple 2017 and 2019 are different...

Just a quick question, I know we can use "%" to obtain the las result in maple. what if I want to obtain the second last result? or in general the n-last result ? Thx

I am trying to use Maple to solve a set of 5 equations, but cannot get a solution. Or there is no solution??

Any help? (Yes, the L function is a likelihood function and I am doing MLE for 5 variables..)



h := 4



k := Matrix(3, 4, {(1, 1) = 11.0, (1, 2) = 7.0, (1, 3) = 7.0, (1, 4) = 11.0, (2, 1) = 5.0, (2, 2) = 7.0, (2, 3) = 12.0, (2, 4) = 12.0, (3, 1) = 1., (3, 2) = 9.0, (3, 3) = 7.0, (3, 4) = 19.0})

Matrix(%id = 18446746279852723246)


A := Vector[row](3, {(1) = 6.0, (2) = 13.0, (3) = 18.0})

Vector[row](%id = 18446746279852713854)


B := Vector[row](3, {(1) = 3.0, (2) = 4.0, (3) = 4.0})

Vector[row](%id = 18446746279852763126)


"l(N1,M1,lambda,phi,r):=product((phi*(N1-'B[i]'+r*'A[i]'))^('k[i][1]')*(1/(2)*lambda*(M1-'A[i]'))^('k[i][2]'+'k[i][3]')*(1-phi*(N1-'B[i]'+r*'A[i]')-lambda*(M1-'A[i]'))^('k[i][4]')   ,i=1..(h-1))"

proc (N1, M1, lambda, phi, r) options operator, arrow, function_assign; product((phi*(N1-'B[i]'+r*'A[i]'))^'k[i][1]'*((1/2)*lambda*(M1-'A[i]'))^('k[i][2]'+'k[i][3]')*(1-phi*(N1-'B[i]'+r*'A[i]')-lambda*(M1-'A[i]'))^'k[i][4]', i = 1 .. h-1) end proc





fsolve({diff(ln(l(N1, M1, lambda, phi, r)), M1) = 0, diff(ln(l(N1, M1, lambda, phi, r)), N1) = 0, diff(ln(l(N1, M1, lambda, phi, r)), lambda) = 0, diff(ln(l(N1, M1, lambda, phi, r)), phi) = 0, diff(ln(l(N1, M1, lambda, phi, r)), r) = 0}, {M1, N1, lambda, phi, r}, N1 = 0 .. infinity, M1 = 0 .. infinity, lambda = 0 .. 1, phi = 0 .. 1, r = 0 .. 1)



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