
15 Reputation

5 Badges

12 years, 60 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by woofwoof

thanks guys you have been very helpfuk, if all the terms have values e.g any number, is there a way to get maple to plot say A_1 to A_6 if that makes sense. e.g if A_1=3, A_2=4, A_3 = 5 etc then plot A_j against these numbers?

thanks guys you have been very helpfuk, if all the terms have values e.g any number, is there a way to get maple to plot say A_1 to A_6 if that makes sense. e.g if A_1=3, A_2=4, A_3 = 5 etc then plot A_j against these numbers?

Also the actual equation i wanted to solve is diff(X(x), x, x)+(1.6+4*cn(x, 2)^2)*X(x),

where cn^2 is the elliptic cosine^2 Im notsure if that was what i had plotted, sorry for the trouble.

thats what i thought but their seems to be a graph, what about if we just arbitrarily say the limitsa are 0 to 1000, can that be plotted?

thats what i thought but their seems to be a graph, what about if we just arbitrarily say the limitsa are 0 to 1000, can that be plotted?

yeah thanks that was a bit sloppy of me i also forgot the paaramter T;


This is the set of equations:

U := diff(P(t), t) = -7*10^(-8)*t/sqrt(R(t)*t+R(t)), diff(R(t), t) = 7*10^(-8)*t^2/sqrt(R(t)*t+R(t))+600*(X^2-7.8*t^3*T^(3/2)*10^(-23)*exp(-1.15*10^12/T))/(t*sqrt(R(t)*t+R(t))), -4*10^5*(X^2-7.8*t^3*T^(3/2)*10^(-23)*exp(-1.15*10^12/T))/(t^2*sqrt(R(t)*t+R(t)));


The initial conditions are when x=xI and as before; 

initial := R(x) = 0, Z(x) = 0, P(x) = y;
R(x) = 0, Z(x) = 0, P(x) = y
> dsolve(U(t), initial);
Error, (in dsolve) Required a specification of the indeterminate function


sorry for being a bit sloppy, I am trying to solve these versions of the boltzmann equations to then plot each solution on a graph against x.

yeah thanks that was a bit sloppy of me i also forgot the paaramter T;


This is the set of equations:

U := diff(P(t), t) = -7*10^(-8)*t/sqrt(R(t)*t+R(t)), diff(R(t), t) = 7*10^(-8)*t^2/sqrt(R(t)*t+R(t))+600*(X^2-7.8*t^3*T^(3/2)*10^(-23)*exp(-1.15*10^12/T))/(t*sqrt(R(t)*t+R(t))), -4*10^5*(X^2-7.8*t^3*T^(3/2)*10^(-23)*exp(-1.15*10^12/T))/(t^2*sqrt(R(t)*t+R(t)));


The initial conditions are when x=xI and as before; 

initial := R(x) = 0, Z(x) = 0, P(x) = y;
R(x) = 0, Z(x) = 0, P(x) = y
> dsolve(U(t), initial);
Error, (in dsolve) Required a specification of the indeterminate function


sorry for being a bit sloppy, I am trying to solve these versions of the boltzmann equations to then plot each solution on a graph against x.

Thanks, this has been helpful

Thanks, this has been helpful

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