
45 Reputation

6 Badges

10 years, 46 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by yunlongwang

Hi, I build my simulation system in MapleSim, using the module 'Stepper Permanent Magnet' like this


But when I run this system, I get the followiing error:

System is underdetermined


When I delete the part about 'Stepper Permanent Magnet', the system runs well.

How to solve this problem? How to use 'Stepper Permanent Magnet'?

The Help file of MapleSim cannot proviod such help information.

Thank you.






I make a new parameter in MapleSim, but I don't konw why it becomes to something as shown in the above figure.

In MapleSim environment, I can see these code, but I find that I cannot edit them.

Is there a method that I can edit these codes?

Thank you.





the final result I want to get should be b*x

Thank you.

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